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产品技术资料 文献编号: 发布日期 4200A-SCS参数分析仪技术资料
亲眼见证创新!4200A-SCS是一种可以量身定制、全面集成 的参数分析仪,可以同步查看电流电压 (I-V)、电容电压 (C-V) 和超快速脉冲式I-V特性。作为性能最高的参数分析仪, 4200A-SCS 加快了半导体、材料和工艺开发速度1KC-60780-6
技术文档 文档类型 发布日期 使用吉时利Model 4200-SCS参数分析仪进行晶圆级可靠性测试
应用指南 有机FET的 DC I-V和AC 阻抗测试
本技术指南概括介绍怎样使用4200A-SCS参数分析仪优化OFET的DC I-V和AC阻抗测量。讨论定时参数、降噪、屏蔽、正确布线及实现最佳效果的其他重要测量考虑因素。应用指南 吉时利4200A-SCS 参数分析仪简化BioFETs DC I-V 表征的四种方式
业界在基于半导体的生物传感器中的研发投入一直很多,因为其成本低,反应快, 检测准确。特别是基于场效晶体管的生物传感器或者bioFETs,被广泛用于各种 应用,比如生物研究、即时现场护理诊断、环境应用,甚至食品安全。 bioFET 把生物反应转换成分析物,再把分析物转换成使用DC I-V 技术可以测量 的电信号。使用4200A-SCS参数分析仪进行范德堡和霍尔电压测量 - NEW
应用指南 为新一代电力电子设计改进材料和测试
Transitioning from silicon to wide bandgap semiconductors such as silicon carbide and gallium nitride means that power module designs can be physically smaller than what came before, while also increasing MOSFET switching speed and energy efficiency …技术简介 电阻系数测量及材料特性分析技术 - NEW
应用指南 半导体特性分析方法和技术 - NEW
应用指南 非易失性内存的脉冲I-V特性分析技术 - NEW
应用指南 使用4200A-SCS参数分析仪分析光伏材料和太阳能电池的电气特点 - NEW
应用指南 使用4200A-SCS参数分析仪测量碳纳米管晶体管(CNT FETs)的电气特点 - NEW
应用指南 使用4200A-CVIV多开关和4200A-SCS参数分析仪在C-V测量和I-V测量之间切换 - NEW
应用指南 使用4200A-SCS参数分析仪优化低电流测量 -NEW
应用指南 使用4200A-SCS参数分析仪在高阻抗器件上执行超低频率电压-电压测量 - NEW
应用指南 使用4200A-SCS参数分析仪及斜率方法进行准静态C-V测量 - NEW
应用指南 使用4200-CVU-PWR C-V功率分析软件包及4200A-SCS参数分析仪执行高电压和高电流C-V测量 - NEW
应用指南 测量通道有效移动性的超快速单脉冲(UFSP)技术 - NEW
应用指南 使用4200A-SCS参数分析仪和四点共线探头测量半导体材料的电阻系数 - NEW
应用指南 使用Model 4225-RPM远程放大器/开关,在DC I-V、C-V和脉冲式I-V测量之间自动切换 - NEW
应用指南 使用4200A-SCS参数分析仪分析MOS电容器的C-V特点
应用指南 吉时利为电化学测试方法和应用提供的仪器
应用指南 Touch, Test, Invent,采用下一代电流和电压源测量仪器
速查资料 为您的4200-SCS参数分析仪注入新生
速查资料 利用4200-SCS型参数分析仪,对碳纳米管晶体管(CNT FET)进行电气特性分析
应用指南 从Windows XP转向Windows 7升级您的Model 4200-SCS
操作指南 元器件和半导体器件的脉冲式I-V测试 - 应用指南
应用指南 元器件和半导体器件的DC I-V测试
应用指南 半导体元器件C-V测试 - 应用指南
应用指南 按信号类型进行切换的电子手册指南
速查资料 测量通道有效移动性的超快速单脉冲技术
应用指南 分析RF功率晶体管的电气特点
应用指南 ACS集成测试系统,实现基于实验室的自动化操作
应用指南 纳米技术电气测量最新技术电子手册
Rev 3.13速查资料 如何选择和应用源/测量仪器(源表)
应用指南 如何选择和应用源/测量仪器(源表)
应用指南 如何选择和应用源/测量仪器(源表)
应用指南 使用Mode 4200-SCS半导体特性分析系统在高阻抗器件上执行超低频电容-电压测量
应用指南 Model 4225-PMU超快速I-V模块的超快速I-V应用
应用指南 利用4200-SCS进行四探头电阻与霍尔电压测试
应用指南 Model 4200-SCS半导体特性分析系统
Full color brochure covering the semiconductor characterization system, Model 4200-scs.宣传册 KTEI V8.2,适用于Model 4200-SCS:分析NVM特性,测量VLF C-V,同时进行更多的脉冲式或超快速I-V测量
宣传册 寻找当今解决方案,迎接未来纳米特性分析挑战
宣传册 使用Model 4200-SCS半导体特性分析系统执行电荷泵测量
应用指南 安全使用吉时利Model 4200-SCS上的互锁功能
应用指南 使用Model 4200-CVU-PWR C-V功率分析软件包及Model 4200-SCS半导体特性分析系统进行高电压和高电流C-V测量
应用指南 使用Model 4200-SCS半导体特性分析系统优化低电流测量
应用指南 使用4200-CVU电容-电压单元测量电感
应用指南 使用Model 4200-SCS半导体特性分析系统分析MOS电容器的C-V特点
应用指南 使用Model 4200-SCS半导体特性分析系统进行太阳能/光伏电池I-V和C-V测量
应用指南 使用Model 4200分析栅极介电电容-电压特性
Application Note Number 2239 Gate Dielectric Capacitance - Voltage Characterization Using the Model 4200 Semiconductor Characterization System Maintaining the quality and reliability of gate oxides is one of the most critical and challenging tasks in …应用指南 为Model 4200-SCS开发外部仪器驱动程序
应用指南 使用晶圆图参数选项及Cascade Nucleus探头软件和Model 4200-SCS
应用指南 使用吉时利Model 4200-SCS监测MOSFET器件的通道热载波(CHC)劣化
应用指南 探测集成电路触点级晶体管
应用指南 改善Model 4200-SCS的测试速度和整体测试时间
应用指南 使用Model 4200-SCS和Zyvex S100纳米操纵装置进行纳米线和纳米管I-V测量
应用指南 评估氧化物可靠性
本应用指南介绍了怎样使用吉时利Model 4200-SCS半导体特性分析系统执行氧化物可靠性测试。应用指南 评估MOSFET器件热载波感应的劣化
本应用指南介绍了怎样使用吉时利Model 4200-SCS半导体特性分析系统,利用所需的关键功能测量热载波感应的劣化。应用指南 更灵活的实验室测试需求需要有能够涵盖多种测量类型的布线系统
技术文章 使用低噪声Model 4200-SCS进行超低电流测量
Making Ultra-Low Current Measurements with the Low-Noise Model 4200-SCS Semiconductor Characteriztion System Parametric characterization of semiconductor devices typically requires making extremely low current measurements. For MOSFET devices, the …应用指南 使用4215-CVU测量 fF (1e-15F) 电容
应用指南 使用Model 4200-SCS半导体特性分析系统和Series 3400脉冲/码型发生器进行电荷泵测量
应用指南 在高测试连接电容情况下使用 4201-SMU和 4211-SMU
应用指南 为Model 4200-SCS编写探头驱动程序
应用指南 减少HCI 和电迁移的测试时间
技术文章 使用4200A-SCS参数分析仪内置FFT函数计算频谱密度1F噪声交流阻抗等参数
应用指南 使用4200A-SCS参数分析仪进行电荷泵测量 - NEW
应用指南 4200A-SCS参数分析仪通过USB对AFG31000任意函数发生器进行程控
应用指南 使用4200A-CVIV开关的偏置能力进行三端器件高达400 V电压的电容测试
应用指南 DC I-V Characterization of FET-Based Biosesensors Using the 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer
应用指南 Pulse IV Test Automation with the Keithley 4225-PMU Pulse Measure Unit
Introduction Ultra-fast IV sourcing and measuring is important to many semiconductor applications, including nonvolatile memory, power device characterization, CMOS, reliability and MEMS devices. These semiconductor tests are made …应用指南 Controlling the 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer Using KXCI and Python 3
Introduction The Keithley External Control Interface (KXCI) allows remote control of the instrument modules contained within the Keithley 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer by sending external commands from a PC. Each KXCI command has a specific function …应用指南 How Energy Trends and New Testing Requirements are Improving Power Conversion Efficiency
The demand for efficient power is accelerating as electrification remains a key driver to reduce carbon emissions. Wide bandgap technologies such as silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) are key enablers today to improve power …入门指南 Testing High Power Semiconductor Devices from Inception to Market
Introduction This primer examines the life cycle of a power semiconductor device and the tremendous variety of test and characterization activities and measurement challenges faced by the engineers involved in each stage …入门指南 Keithley Connectors Adapters and Tools Selector Guide
Model Name Use With: 237-BAN-3A Triax to Banana Plug 4200A-SCS, 7072,7072-HV, DMMs 237-BNC-TRX 3 …产品选择指南 Supporting the Materials Research of the Future
Advances in materials science are driving the future of many industries where the electrical properties of materials can reveal previously unknown materials characteristics. This flyer highlights the Keithley instrumentation that is vital to helping …速查资料 1/f Noise Measurements Using the 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer
This application note explains how to make 1/f noise measurements with the 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer using both source measure units and the PMU.应用指南 Four Step Error Checker Poster
This printable poster offers insight into errors commonly made when measuring low voltage, low current, low resistance, high resistance, or voltage from a high resistance source. Learn what can cause these errors, and get tips on how to avoid them.海报 Keithley Low Level Measurements Handbook - 7th Edition
The Keithley Low Level Measurements Handbook is a reference and guide for anyone looking to perform sensitive DC electrical measurements. Scroll down to find the section you need, or download the entire book as a PDF above. Once you click on each of …产品文章 Using USB Communication to Control External Instruments with the 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer
Introduction Testing advanced technology often requires a variety of different instruments. Beyond current and voltage measurements, a test may include temperature measurements, advanced waveform generation or sensitive low level …应用指南 Automating High and Low Frequency C-V Measurements and Interface Trap Density (DIT) Calculations of MOS Capacitors Using the 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer
This application note discusses how to use the 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer to measure and to automatically switch between high and low frequency C-V measurements on MOS capacitors. Basic information on MOS capacitors and common parameter extractions …应用指南 Making Optimal Capacitance and AC Impedance Measurements with the 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer
Introduction Capacitance-voltage (C-V) and AC impedance measurements are commonly performed on many types of devices for a wide variety of applications. For example, C-V measurements are used to determine these device …应用指南 Making Stable Low Current Measurements with High Test Connection Capacitance Using the 4201-SMU and 4211-SMU
Introduction The source measure unit (SMU) is an instrument that can source current or voltage, and measure both current and voltage. The SMU is used for I-V characterization of a wide variety of devices and materials, and is designed …应用指南 Making Low Current Pulse I-V Measurements
This application note defines ultra-fast I-V, explains the fundamental limits of current measurements as a function of time and measure window, and describes the techniques for making ultra-fast I-V low current measurements.应用指南 1 ns Pulsing Solutions for Non-Volatile Memory Testing
Until recently, floating gate (FG) NAND flash memory technology has been successful in meeting the demand for non-volatile memory (NVM) devices for tablets and smartphoness. However, there is increasing concern in the …技术简介 Measuring MOSFET Gate Charge with the 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer
Introduction Power MOSFETs are used in a variety of applications and can be used as high-speed switching. The switching speed of the device is affected by internal capacitances, which is typically specified in data sheets in terms of Ciss and Coss …应用指南 Using the 4200A-CVIV Multi-Switch to Make High Voltage and High Current C-V Measurements
This application note explains the implementation of the bias tee modes of the 4200A-CVIV to make high voltage C-V measurement. It assumes the reader is familiar with making C-V measurements with the Keithley 4200A-SCS using the CVIV.应用指南 Upgrade Your 4200-SCS System and Protect Your Investment
Upgrade your 4200-SCS Parameter Analyzer to the 4200A-SCS - the industry's highest performance analyzer - and accelerate I-V, C-V, and ultra-fast pulsed I-V testing of your complex devices for materials research, semiconductor device design, process …速查资料 Simplifying MOSFET and MOSCAP Device Characterization e-Guide
The Semiconductor Characterization Challenge Engineers and researchers are constantly challenged to create new semiconductor technologies or processes or improve existing ones. Whether the challenge is designing a …宣传册 SOLUTIONS FOR SCIENTIFIC AND ENGINEERING RESEARCH
Resistivity Measurements of Semiconductor Materials Using the 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer and a Four-Point Collinear Probe Introduction Electrical resistivity is a basic material property that quantifies a material’s …应用指南 Using the Ramp Rate Method for Making Quasistatic C-V Measurements with the Model 4200-SCS Semiconductor Characterization System
应用指南 Pulse Testing for Nanoscale Devices
技术文章 The Emerging Challenges of Nanotechnology Testing
Nanotechnology is an important new area of research that promises significant advances in electronics, materials, biotechnology, alternative energy sources, and dozens of other applications. …技术文章 Qualifying High-K Gate Materials with Charge-Trapping Measurements
As the size of transistors continues to scale down, the use of conventional SiO2 as a gate dielectric material is approaching physical and electrical limits. The principal limitation is high leakage current due to quantum mechanical tunneling of …技术文章
软件 文档类型 部件号: 发布日期 4200A-SCS Clarius+ Software Suite V1.13
This version of Clarius+ is only supported on Microsoft Windows 10. If installed on the 4200A-SCS system with a Clarius+ release prior to V1.4, contact Keithley, a Tektronix company, at tek.com to upgrade the parameter analyzer. If installing on a …应用 4200A-CLARIUS-V1.13 4200A-SCS Clarius+ Software Suite V1.12
This version of Clarius+ is only supported on Microsoft Windows 10. If installed on the 4200A-SCS system with a Clarius+ release prior to V1.4, contact Keithley, a Tektronix company, at tek.com to upgrade the parameter analyzer If installing on a …应用 4200A-CLARIUS-V1.12 Matlab_Hello world使用Matlab对仪器设备进行编程入门
本例程提供了Matlab对仪器进行控制,演示了最基本的连接仪器的步骤。 请注意相关软件配置环境以及VISA resource地址。Tektronix公司不负责该例程的完整性、可执行性和正确性。 请点击‘’安装说明“链接直接获取 TXT 源码文件脚本例程 4200A-SCS Clarius+ Software Suite V1.3 (Legacy – Unsupported)
This legacy version of Clarius is made available for Windows 7 computers. For the latest version of Clarius+ please visit the 4200A-SCS Product Support page ( Product Support and Downloads | Tektronix ) and select Software. The 4200A-SCS Clarius+ …应用 4200A-CLARIUS-V1.3
常见问题 常见问题 ID I have lost the device library on the 4200A-SCS, how to get it back?
The best way to get the library back is to re-install Clarius the their system. It’s free from our Tek.com website. Here is the link :https://www.tek.com/software/clarius/1-3247546 Is there a resettable fuse on the interlock circuit for model 4200A-SCS?
Yes, there is a resettable fuse. It takes several minutes to reset, please give it some time.This is discussed on page 4 and 5 of the included application note. Here is a link to the application note on the Tek website: https://www.tek …248681 What is included in the 4200A-SCS Windows 10 Upgrade option?
The 4200A-SCS can be upgraded from the Windows 7 operating system to Windows 10. The part number for this upgrade is 4200A-WIN10-UP. This service will provide a USB flash drive containing the upgrade program files and instructions for installing the …780921 What is the time required to switch between Pulse IV (4225PMU) and CV (4210ACVU) measurements using the 4225-RPM for the 4200A-SCS?
The RPM eliminates the need to re-cable and increases switching speed between Pulsed IV and CV measurements. However, we do not specify the switching time for the RPMs in the data sheets. A simple test using a MDO3102 yeided the below …469646 How can I measure hall mobility of 2D materials?
Hall mobility, or electron mobility, of a 2D material is best measured by utilizing the Hall effect. There are several different Keithley solutions for making Hall effect measurements. A Keithley 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer with 4 Source Measure …71221 Does the 4200A-SCS support ICCAP?
Although the 4200ICCAP-6.0 driver is obsolete, the 4200A is ICCAP supported through the KXCI software. The 4200 drivers in the KXCI software come with ICCAP in them and all KXCI programs for the 4200 are compatible with the 4200A. Note: ICCAP only …255351 Does Model 4200A-SCS support Model 590-CV meter like the Model 4200-SCS?
The Model 590-CV is a stand alone CV meter and can be controlled from either the 4200A-SCS and 4200-SCS using the KIXI (remote interface software).249356 Do I need to calibrate my instruments separately when I upgrade from the 4200-SCS to a 4200A-SCS mainframe?
No; when the 4200A-MF-UP service is selected, the 4200-SCS is converted to the 4200A-SCS mainframe. This system gains the Clarius software. All supported instrument modules in the original system will be moved to the new, 4200A-SCS mainframe and will …780926