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TekTalk from Tektronix
TekTalk: What’s in the Name? Thursday, December 8, 2022
Names are important, ask any parents-to-be after they’ve scoured piles of baby books and online blogs for the perfect name. Names reflect our history and past values as well as our future visions. However, when it came to finding a name for the new Tektronix community forum, which launched in October 2022, we were in luck that 1950s Tektronix answered this question. The vision for the forum, of …
Tektronix engineers working together to develop the 2 Series Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
Product Development During a Pandemic Leads to True Oscilloscope Innovation Monday, September 12, 2022
Innovation often happens when it is least expected. In the case of the 2 Series Mixed Signal Oscilloscope, Tektronix uncovered a number of unexpected customer wants and needs during the development process, but some of the most valuable customer insights resulted from pandemic-related hurdles, something no one expected.   Pandemic Informed Design for Today and Tomorrow’s Engineers With only the …
6 Series B mixed signal oscilloscope displaying jitter
Understanding How To Analyze Jitter Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Steve Sandler, President of Picotest, as well as Maria Agoston, Cameron Lowe, Tony Ambrose, all of Tektronix, also contributed to this blog. Why You Should Care About Jitter Jitter is a common problem. A quantified misplacement in time of the signal relative to the expected time position, jitter is ultimately a degradation of the key definition of performance of a serial link, which is the bit …
5G NR Demodulation Software on a MS068B Oscilloscope
Beamformer Frontends and Up-Down Converter ICs for mmWave 5G Infrastructure Wednesday, October 27, 2021
Why Beamforming Lies at The Heart of 5G & 6G Radio Design Momentum behind 5G continues to grow, with the vast spectrum available at 5G millimeter wave (mmWave) frequency bands supporting extreme capacity, high throughput and low latency and an increasing number of 5G mmWave devices, from smartphoness to laptops and more. The testing and characterizing demands of new 5G networks, however, are …
Ensuring a Quality Calibration with Tektronix
5 Ways to Ensure You Are Getting Quality Calibration Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Not all test and measurement equipment calibrations are created equally. There are several factors to consider when selecting a service provider to ensure you receive a quality calibration. In simple terms, Equipment calibration is the comparison of a measurement device (an unknown) against an equal or better standard, and often requires certification and documentation. In mission-critical …
Maximizing the Efficiency of Your Internal Calibration Lab with Tektronix
Maximizing the Efficiency of Your Internal Calibration Lab Wednesday, July 21, 2021
In mission-critical industries such as aerospace, healthcare, automotive, and others where human lives are at stake, properly calibrated electronic test and measurement equipment can be the difference between life or death. For many organizations that have in-house calibration labs, stakeholders rely on the calibration lab to be a source of truth when it comes to accurate calibrations and safety …
Tektronix offers ISO 17025 calibration services.
5 FAQs on What you Need to Know about Calibration Certificates Monday, June 7, 2021
In industries such as aerospace, automotive, healthcare, aviation, and others where human lives are at stake, properly calibrated electronic test and measurement equipment is paramount. It can literally mean the difference between life or death, success or failure, profit or loss. When a company performs a calibration on their lab equipment, they receive a calibration certificate as evidence of …
2 Series MSO24 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
How to Choose the Best Oscilloscope to Buy Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Basic Parameters for Choosing an Oscilloscope Oscilloscope Bandwidth Bandwidth is a key spec that determines the highest frequency your oscilloscope can measure accurately. It's a vital consideration affecting both the functionality and cost of the oscilloscope. The higher the bandwidth, the more accurate the reproduction of your signal, as illustrated with a signal captured at 250 MHz, 1 GHz …
TBS1000C bench oscilloscope
什么是示波器? Tuesday, May 11, 2021
示波器以前称为录波器,是一种用于图形化显示电信号及其随时间的变化情况的仪器。它通过连接传感器来测量这些电信号,传感器是一种能够将声、光、热等物理刺激转化为电信号的装置。例如,麦克风是将声音转换为电信号的传感器。 从示波器的工作原理到如何找到合适的示波器,此处我们将为您介绍关于示波器的全面知识。  示波器有什么用途? 谁会使用示波器? 示波器如何工作? 示波器测量什么? 示波器类型 示波器、数字万用表和电压表的比较 如何选择最合适的示波器 示波器的历史 示波器资源 示波器有什么用途? 示波器通常用于设计 …
Oscilloscope probe connected to a DUT
什么是示波器探头? Monday, May 3, 2021
示波器探头是一种在测试点或信号源 与示波器之间建立物理和电气连接的设备。 根据您的测量需求,这种连接既可以通过一根简单的导线实现, 也可以使用有源差分探头等高精度仪器来完成。从本质上说,探头是一种设备或网络, 用于将信号源与示波器的输入端连接起来。 示波器探头的工作原理 示波器探头在信号源或被测设备 (DUT) 与示波器之间提供高质量的连接。在选择和使用示波器探头时,有许多重要的考虑因素,包括 物理附件、对电路操作产生的影响以及信号传输。 示波器探头的解析 大多数探头至少有一至两米长的电缆。当探头需要在被测电路的 不同测试点之间移动时,探头电缆使得示波器可以稳定地放置在小车或工作台上, 无需随之移动。然而,在某些情况下,探头电缆可能会降低探头的带宽。因此,电缆越长 ,带宽降低也会越多。 大多数探头都有一个带探头端部的探头头部或手柄 …