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Elizabeth Makley's blog


Keithley 2461 Graphical Touchscreen SMU Connections to a Battery Cell
【米乐m6网页版登录入口应用分享】 电池测试成为电动汽车行业发展的关键因素 Thursday, February 29, 2024
电动汽车 (EV) 在 2022 年占据全球汽车销售份额的 13%,预计到2030年将占据全球汽车销售份额的30%。该行业需要继续加大研发力度,推出更多价格亲民的车型,促进燃油车市场向电动车市场转型。市场转型过程中,对性能更强、价格更低的动力电池产生巨大需求,目前动力电池仍然是导致电动汽车价格高昂的主要因素。 据麦肯锡公司预测,电芯市场预计将以每年超过20%的速度增长,到2030年将达到4100亿美元。从2020年到2030年,市场规模将增长 10 倍。 设计动力电池时,必须进行严格的测试以了解电池的性能。 性能目标 推动动力电池的进步是提高汽车经济性、社会认可度和环境可持续发展的关键。美国先进电池联盟 (USABC) 发布了相关指南,指明了下一代电动汽车电池的性能和成本目标。随着汽车行业探索新的电池化学和电芯技术,需要实现以下三个主要目标,以增加电动汽车的普及率: …
Electric car charger
Characterize Self-Discharge Behavior Faster with the DMM7510 Tuesday, August 9, 2022
Rechargeable batteries are appearing in more devices than ever before. We are requiring these batteries to hold more energy, last longer and charge faster. This is even more critical in applications such as electric vehicles, where batteries must perform to the highest standards while remaining small and lightweight. This makes EV battery testing critical to catch failures in the batteries before …
Keithley 2280S DC Power Supply
Forming the Best Solution for Battery Formation and Aging Tuesday, July 12, 2022
Current markets are leading to high demand for battery cells. One way for manufacturers to increase throughput is to reduce the time spent making each battery. The formation and aging stage is the most time consuming part of the cell manufacturing process. Ensuring that the right equipment is used for the job can help with some of the challenges facing formation and aging. What is Formation and …
E/V Battery
Grade A Solutions for Battery Grading Wednesday, June 29, 2022
Current technology markets are demanding more out of our batteries than ever before. These batteries are being pushed to charge faster, hold more and last longer. Makers of electric vehicles need batteries to be smaller, lighter, safer, and cheaper. All of these pressures lead manufacturers to one question: How do we guarantee the batteries live up to these tight standards? Why Grade …