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Analog Digital Design Debug

制定计划时,往往没有时间跟踪逻辑分析仪或协议分析仪以查找难以发现的混合信号问题。幸好,全新且高度集成的仪器已推出,能为构成当今复杂嵌入式系统的模拟和数字信号、串行协议和 RF 信号提供相干视图。

XYZs of Signal Generators
The Signal Generator, or Signal Source, is the stimulus source that pairs with an acquisition instrument like an oscilloscope to create the two elements of a complete measurement solution. In its …
使用FlexChannel® 技术灵活配置示波器输入通道应对多总线系统调试
本应用指南讨论了嵌入式系统设计人员在评估多总线系统时面临的挑战,以及怎样使用FlexChannel 输入通道克服这些挑战。 新型FlexChannel 输入通道可以使用范围广泛的探头,满足 测量多个不同信号的需求。 本应用指南讨论了嵌入式系统设计人员在评估多总线系统时面临的挑战,以及怎样使用flexchannel>
Identifying Setup and Hold Violations with a Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
THIS APPLICATION NOTE Explains the basic setup of a mixed signal oscilloscope (MSO) Tells how to interpret the logic signal display on a Tektronix MSO Explains …
Characterizing and Troubleshooting Jitter with Your Oscilloscope
THIS APPLICATION NOTE Gives a brief orientation of simple timing analysis measurements on clock signals Explains how to interpret timing and jitter measurements Gives …
使用8 通道示波器检验电源顺序
本应用指南中使用的仪器是配备8 个FlexChannel® 输入的5系列混合信号示波器。每个输入可以测量一个高分辨率模拟信号,或者通过连接一只TLP058逻辑探头,来测量8 个数字逻辑输入。
Measuring Digital Clock Stability and Jitter with an Oscilloscope
Introduction Clocks are the heartbeats of embedded systems, providing timing references and synchronization between components, subsystems,and entire systems. Incorrect clock …
How to Troubleshoot System Problems Using an Oscilloscope with I2C and SPI Decoding
THIS APPLICATION NOTE Gives a brief orientation on the physical layer and packet structures of I2C and SPI, with a goal of providing just enough detail to help with …
How to Use a Mixed Signal Oscilloscope to Test Digital Circuits
The ability to present both analog and digital representations of signals make mixed signal oscilloscopes (MSOs) ideal for verifying and debugging digital circuits. This application …
Troubleshooting Analog to Digital Converter Offset Using a Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
This application note gives a procedure for performing quick checks on an Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) system gain, offset and linearity.  The technique uses a ramp signal from a function …
为了提高系统的功能和性能,工程师经常要在设计过程中同时与模拟信号和数字信号打交道。这样往往会使测试工作变得复杂,需要借助专业的测试工具去观测被测设备中各个测试点发生了什么情况。比如在模拟信号测试中,需要得到精确的伏值以执行诸如幅度,时序和眼图测量的物理层分析。示波器正是这种测试所需要的主要工具。数字系统测试只需要逻辑状态值并且可能仅需要时序信息。通过时间相关性,可以执行很多数字信号总线或协议层测试 …
今天,嵌入式系统几乎遍布在人类社会的每个角落。嵌入式系统可以简单定义为属于大型系统或机器一部分的一种专用计算机系统,其目的是为该系统或机器提供监测和控制服务。典型的嵌入式系统在开机时会开始运行某些专用应用,直到关闭时才会停止。当前设计和生产的几乎每个电子设备都是嵌入式系统。 了解使用米乐m6网页版登录入口示波器强大的触发、解码和搜索功能怎样以极高的效率解决串行调试挑战。
使用示波器调试USB 2.0问题
了解USB 2.0物理层基础知识,以调试总线问题或系统问题。了解在配备USB 2.0总线分析功能的示波器上使用自动解码、触发和搜索功能时,怎样设置示波器,理解测试结果。
了解 10BASE-T 和 100BASE-TX 以太网物理层的基本知识,帮助您排除总线问题或相关系统问题。 了解如何在配备以太网分析功能的示波器上使用自动解码、触发和搜索功能时设置和解释结果。  
Debugging CAN, LIN and FlexRay Automotive Buses with an Oscilloscope
THIS APPLICATION NOTE Gives a brief orientation on the physical layer and packet structures of CAN / CAN FD, LIN, and FlexRay buses, with a goal of providing just enough …
Working Remotely with Oscilloscopes
Learn about remote analysis.  We cover how TekScope, TekDrive, and eScope unlock scope capabilities through synchronous control, offline analysis, and cloud storage.