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TBX3000A, TSL3000B Datasheet



TBX3000A, TSL3000B Datasheet

TekSmartLab is the industry's first network-based instrument management solution for teaching labs, enabling a more efficient lab experience. With the TekSmartLab, instructors, students, and lab managers all benefit from improved connectivity, workflow, and automation.

Key features
  • Easy to setup with industrial reliability
  • Intuitive instructor - course - exercise organization
  • Centralized monitoring and remote assistance
  • Online editing and submission of test reports
  • Automatic instrument asset information recording
Key benefits
  • Lab managers can efficiently manage lab instruments:
    • Setup configurations of large fleets of instruments with one click
    • Capture instrument asset information automatically
  • Instructors can manage teaching work flow more efficiently:
    • Instrument configuration can be saved and distributed to all the instruments when required
    • Monitor and control the lab instruments remotely to assist the students
    • Define report templates and have them load automatically when students are using smart devices
  • Students can interact with their lessons seamlessly:
    • Retrieve and save test results wirelessly via smart devices
    • Edit and submit test reports electronically
    • Download materials that are on the lab server (lab procedures, videos, and more)
  • Basic teaching laboratory

TekSmartLab network diagram

The image below shows the TekSmartLab system setup. Communication with the TSL3000B is over the local WI-FI network through a suitable wireless router.

In traditional teaching labs, connecting instruments to a network can be challenging, building an internal network through cables is tedious, and many lab instruments do not have a LAN port.

Tektronix TekSmartLab is different: On each bench, the TBX3000A connects and controls instruments through USB cables, and communicates with the TSL3000B software on the lab server via the wireless network. The TBX3000A has a LAN port (standard), and can support a WI-FI connection when equipped with a compatible USB-WIFI dongle, such as TEK-⁠USB-⁠WIFI.


On the lab server, the TSL3000B communicates with the TBX3000A on each bench. The TSL3000B gives instructors centralized control of large fleets of instruments and gives students the ability to retrieve test results, and edit test reports online.

Campus level TekSmartLab

When one lab manager must manage multiple labs, it can be a challenge to manage all of the instruments efficiently since the lab manager needs to spend time visiting each of the different labs. With campus level TekSmartLab, the lab manager can centrally control and monitor the instruments in different labs remotely from his own office.


Campus level TekSmartLab network diagram

As shown in the example above, TekSmartLab systems are setup in each of the labs and the lab servers are connected to a local area network, such as a campus network. TekSmartLab software is installed on the lab manager's computer, which is connected to the same local area network.

Once the lab servers and the lab manager computer are connected to the local area network and can communicate properly, the lab manager can access any of the lab servers to remotely monitor and control the instruments in that lab.

Easy to setup with industrial reliability

TekSmartLab can be easily setup via WI-FI without laying LAN cables. Without any configuration, instruments are recognized automatically by the system when they are connected to the system.

For the labs which have already equipped with Tektronix and Keithley instruments, instructors can smoothly update their labs to TekSmartLab as most of the Tektronix and Keithley teaching lab instruments are supported, even some instruments that have been phased out in the last five years (seeSpecifications).

Instead of controlling all the instruments by lab server directly, the TBX3000A on each bench controls the instruments connected to it. Using the TekSmartLab is an efficient and stable way to work. The TBX3000A, which is based on the Tektronix oscilloscope platform, works seamlessly with Tektronix and Keithley instruments, assuring the industrial reliability of the entire system.

Course and exercise based applications

TekSmartLab uses an instructor - course - exercise oriented hierarchy, an organization familiar to instructors at most universities: Instructors have different courses, and within each course there are different exercises. New exercises are easily created using the instructor name and course name, and easily selected with the same information.


Applications, like saved configuration, exercise material sharing, and report templates, for instance, are linked to specific exercises.


Centralized configuration

Instructors can setup the configurations of the instruments and distribute them to over 100 instruments with a single click. Instrument configuration changes can be made and delivered anytime; for example, the Autoset function can be disabled to encourage students to learn how to manually adjust an oscilloscope to display the correct waveform.


Instrument configuration can also be saved into a specific exercise and recalled when the exercise is selected.


When the TBS1000B-EDU series oscilloscopes are connected to the system, the courseware contents, as well as instrument firmware, can be updated remotely, a manual update for each instrument via USB thumb drives before.

Centralized monitoring and remote assistance

With TekSmartLab, the physical bench layout and lab layout is easily emulated: The number and type of the instruments on the bench can be setup, and the locations of each bench within the lab can be customized.



Instructors can easily monitor the status of all instruments during the experiment: Green signifies that the instrument is working, gray signifies no connection, and red signifies an error. An instructor can check on or help a specific bench by clicking the corresponding bench icon.


Clicking a bench icon displays the readouts and key configuration settings for the instruments on that bench.


Retrieving and saving test reports online

In a traditional teaching lab, when students need to save test results they typically take snapshots of oscilloscopes and download those to a USB thumb drive or, more often, use a mobiles device to take the picture. The result is that the quality of test results is not consistent and test results are difficult to archive for future access.

TekSmartLab provides a more intelligent approach for editing and submitting test reports online: The TSL3000B server software creates a web page available in the local network for each bench. Each web page can be conveniently accessed by bench-specific IP address.

With TSL3000B, instructors can change the IP address to QR (quick response) codes, and place it permanently as a printed sticker on each bench.


Students can login in to the web page using their mobiles device to scan the QR code or by inputting the IP address in the web browser of their laptops. Once logged in, students can easily edit and submit test reports online.


When students create a new test report, the report template, created by instructor and saved on the server, is loaded automatically.


When students edit their test reports, test results, like snapshots of the oscilloscope retrieved wirelessly, can be inserted at any time.


The test report can be downloaded locally or archived on the lab server for future access.


Sharing exercise material online

Enter a short description of your concept here (optional).

TekSmartLab integrates FTP into the distribution of materials, allowing instructors to easily share any type of exercise materials, whether they are PowerPoint, Word, or even video, to students efficiently.


Once instructors load exercise materials onto the lab server, students can download them though the lab server web page onto their smart devices.


Automatic instrument asset information recording

In conventional teaching labs, the asset manager manually checks and records information such as instrument model numbers, serial numbers, and locationss. Detailed information like the length of usage can only be estimated by experience or by keeping usage logs.

The TekSmartLab solution automatically records and displays asset information, including time in use. Just one click archives the asset and usage information. TekSmartLab dramatically increases asset management accuracy compared to previous methods and makes managing lab assets much more efficient.


Sample TekSmartLab configuration

The following shows a sample setup of a TekSmartLab system with 15 benches and 60 instruments connected through WI-FI.

Item Quantity Supplier Comments
TSL3000B-FL Tektronix One per lab, installed on lab server.
TBX3000A 15  Tektronix One per bench.
Instruments 60  Tektronix Supported Tektronix or Keithley instruments, one oscilloscope, one arbitrary function generator, one digital multimeter, and one power supply per bench. Option 2231A-001 required for the power supply 2231A-30-3.
TEK-USB-WIFI 15  Tektronix USB-WIFI dongle installed on TBX3000A.
WIFI router 1 Provided by customer TP-LINK TL-ER604W or other WIFI Router that can meet WI-FI networking requirements.
Lab server Provided by customer Refer to system requirements.

1To use WI-FI on systems with more than 15 benches, it is recommended to setup the WI-FI network by wired router and access points instead of a WIFI router.


All specifications are guaranteed unless noted otherwise. All specifications apply to all models unless noted otherwise.

TBX3000A characteristics
General characteristics
Max instruments connected
6, by USB cables
Compatible USB-WIFI dongle
LAN Port

6 – Instrument status indicators

1 – Wi-Fi connection status indicator

1 – System status indicator

Environmental characteristics

Operating. 0 °C to 40 °C

Non-operating. -20 °C to +60 °C


Operating. (Low) 0 °C to 40 °C, 10% to 90% relative humidity

Non-operating. (High) 40 °C to 60 °C, 5% to 60% relative humidity; (Low) 0 °C to 40 °C, 5% to 90% relative humidity.


Operating. Up to 3,000 m (10,000 ft.)

Non-operating. Up to 15,240 m (50,000 ft.)

Regulatory compliance
EMC compliance

EN61326, Class A.

Power consumption
Maximum 15 W
Physical characteristics
Dimension mm in
Height 31  1.22 
Width 127  5.0 
Depth 127  5.0 
Weight kg lb
Net 0.24  0.53 
Shipping 1.07  2.36 
TSL3000B general characteristics
Maximum benches supported
Maximum instruments supported
600 (six instruments per bench)
Bench layout emulation
Select bench layout template (from 1 to 6 instruments), select instrument type
Laboratory layout emulation
Add, Delete, Bench Number
Large fleet configuration
By exercise, by instrument type
Supported instruments

Tektronix TBS1000B-EDU series

Tektronix TBS2000 series

Tektronix TDS2000C series

Tektronix DPO/MSO2000B series (oscilloscope function only)

Tektronix MDO3000 series (oscilloscope function and spectrum analyzer function only)

Arbitrary function generators

Tektronix AFG1000 series

Tektronix AFG2021

Tektronix AFG3000C series

Digital multimeters

Keithley DMM2110

Keithley DMM2100

Tektronix DMM4000 series

Power supplies

Keithley 2230G(J)-30-1 

Keithley 2220G(J)-30-1 

Keithley 2220(J)-30-1 

Keithley 2230(J)-30-1 

Keithley 2231A-30-3 (requires Option 2231A-001)

Discontinued instruments

Tektronix TDS1000B series

Tektronix TDS1000C-SC series

Tektronix TDS1000C-EDU series

Tektronix TBS1000

Tektronix DPO/MSO2000

Tektronix AFG3021B

Tektronix AFG3022B

Tektronix AFG3011

Tektronix AFG3101

Tektronix AFG3102

Tektronix AFG3251

Tektronix AFG3252

General functions
Check status, preset, record model number, S/N, time of use and locations
Oscilloscope functions

Analog channel ON/OFF

Digital channel ON/OFF (MSO2000 and MDO3000 with digital channel option only)

Set/Check input coupling (AC, DC, Ground)

Set/Check input attenuation

Set/Check horizontal/vertical resolution and scale

Set/Check trigger level (support Edge trigger only)

Set/Check cursors (support time and amplitude mode only)

Set/Check measurement (Frequency, Period, Rise time, Fall Time, Positive Pulse Width, Negative Pulse Width, Peak to Peak, Amplitude, Maximum, Minimum, High, Low, Positive Overshot, Negative Overshot, Mean, RMS)

Check/Save snapshot

Waveform update (analog channel only)

Autoset Enable/Disable


Courseware contents and firmware remote update (support for the TBS1000B-EDU series only)

Spectrum Analyzer funtions (MDO3000 series only)

Set/Check start/stop frequency, center frequency, span

Set/Check reference level

Set/Check RBW mode, RBW value, window

Waveform update

Manual/Peak markers ON/OFF

Spectrogram ON/OFF

Arbitrary Function Generator (AFG) functions
Set/Check carrier waveform (support Sine, Pulse, Ramp, Square, Noise, DC waveforms)

Set/Check carrier frequency, amplitude, phase, pulse width (for Pulse only), symmetry (for Ramp only)

Set/Check modulating type: AM, FM, PM, FSK, Sweep, Burst

Set/Check output impedance, voltage limit

Output ON/OFF

Digital Multimeter functions
Set/Check measurement function: DCI, DCV, ACI, ACV, Ohm (2 wires, 4 wires), Frequency, Period, Temperature

Set/Check Auto/Manual range, Integration Time, Auto Zero, Detector Bandwidth, Reference, Digital Filter

Check measurement result

Power supply functions
Set/Check setting voltage/current

Check output voltage/current (resolution 3 decimal digits)

Output ON/OFF

Test report online editing and submitting function
QR code generation
Web browser access
Test report template format
Created test report format
Test report edit functions
Create a new report, edit text, insert oscilloscope snapshot, insert instrument setting, submit report, download report
System requirements
Operating system
Win 7 Professional (Enterprise or Ultimate), Win 8.1 Professional (Enterprise), Win 10 Professional (Enterprise)
Dual core 2.3 GHz or above
4 GB DDR3 or above
Hard disk
200 GB (minimum)
Screen resolution
1366 x 768 or above
Web service
IIS6.0 or above (supplied with system)
SQL Server 2014 Express (free download from the Microsoft website)
WI-FI networking requirements (for labs with 15 benches)
802.11n, 2.4 GHz, 300 Mbps data transfer rate
Signal level
>= -50 dBm
Signal to noise
>= 35 dB
Max clients accessed
>=31 (15 clients are TBX3000A, 15 clients are students' mobiles devices, and one client for the lab server)

Ordering information

TekSmartLab™ hardware
TekSmartLab™ software, floating license
How to order

TekSmartLab™ software is available for download atwww.tek.com/downloads.

In July 2017, the license policy and nomenclature was changed for TekSmartLab™ software. The legacy system with TSL3000B will continue to be supported in the software, so there is no need to change your current licenses when upgrading to the latest version software.

The new application license with TSL3000B-FL offers floating licenses (FL) that can be checked in and out of the Tektronix Asset Management System (Tek AMS) on the Tektronix website.

TBX3000A power plug options

A0 North America
A1 Universal EURO
A2 United Kingdom
A3 Australia
A4 240v North America
A5 Switzerland
A6 Japan
A10 China
A11 India
A12 Brazil
A99 No Power Cord or AC Adapter
TBX3000A service options
Repair Service 5 years
TBX3000A warranty
3 years
Recommended accessories
This dongle is certified to comply with CE, FCC and IC regulations. Available in Australia, Canada, China, EU Region, New Zealand, and United States.