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Serial Triggering and Analysis Application Modules



Key features

  • Automated Serial Triggering, Decode, and Search options for I2C, SPI, CAN, CAN FD, LIN, FlexRay, RS-232/422/485/UART, MIL-STD-1553, ARINC 429, I2S/LJ/ RJ/T DM, USB, and Ethernet.
  • Trigger on all the critical elements of a serial bus such as address, data, etc.
  • Decode all the critical elements of each message. No more counting 1s and 0s!
  • Search through long acquisitions using user-defined criteria to find specific messages. Search mark table provides a tabular view of the events found during an automated search.
  • Export Search Mark table data to .csv file.
  • Event table shows decoded serial bus activity in a tabular, time-stamped format for quick summary of system activity.
  • Export Event table data to .csv file.

Serial triggering and analysis application modules

On a serial bus, a single signal often includes address, control, data, and clock information. This can make isolating events of interest difficult. The Serial Application modules for the MDO4000C, MDO3000, and MSO/DPO2000B Series transform the oscilloscope into a robust tool for debugging serial buses with automatic trigger, decode, and search for I2C, SPI, CAN, CAN FD, LIN, FlexRay, RS-232/422/485/UART, MIL-STD-1553, ARINC 429, I2S/LJ/RJ/TDM, USB2, and Ethernet.

Serial Trigger Analysis App Modules EN US 3GW 26221 11
Triggering on a specific transmit data packet going across an RS-232 bus. A complete set of triggers, including triggers for specific serial packet content, ensures you quickly capture your event of interest.

Serial triggering

Trigger on packet content such as start of packet, specific addresses, specific data content, unique identifiers, etc. on popular serial interfaces such as I2C, SPI, CAN, CAN FD, LIN, FlexRay, RS-232/422/485/UART, MIL-STD-1553, ARINC 429, and I2S/LJ/RJ/TDM, USB2, and Ethernet.

Bus display

Provides a higher-level, combined view of the individual signals (clock, data, chip enable, etc.) that make up your bus, making it easy to identify where packets begin and end and identifying sub-packet components such as address, data, identifier, CRC, etc.

Bus decoding

Tired of having to visually inspect the waveform to count clocks, determine if each bit is a 1 or a 0, combine bits into bytes, and determine the hex value? Let the oscilloscope with a Serial Application module do it for you! Once you’ve set up a bus, the oscilloscope will decode each packet on the bus, and display the value in hex, binary, decimal (LIN, MIL-STD-1553, and FlexRay, USB and Ethernet only), signed decimal (I2S/LJ/RJ/TDM only), or ASCII (RS-232/422/485/UART, USB and Ethernet only) in the bus waveform.

Serial Trigger Analysis App Modules EN US 3GW 26221 11
Color-coded display of a CAN bus, showing Start, DLC, Data, CRC, and Stop components of the serial signal.
Serial Trigger Analysis App Modules EN US 3GW 26221 11
Simultaneously display the bus and digital waveforms. Digital waveforms show how the bus translates the individual signals based on the threshold settings (useful for making analog channels look like just 1s and 0s).

Event table

In addition to seeing decoded packet data on the bus waveform itself, you can view all captured packets in a tabular view much like you would see in a software listing. Packets are time stamped and listed consecutively with columns for each component (Address, Data, etc.).

Serial Trigger Analysis App Modules EN US 3GW 26221 11
Event table showing decoded Identifier, DLC, DATA, and CRC for every CAN packet in a long acquisition


Serial triggering is very useful for isolating the event of interest, but once you’ve captured it and need to analyze the surrounding data, what do you do? In the past, users had to manually scroll through the waveform counting and converting bits and looking for what caused the event. With a Serial Application module, you can enable the oscilloscope to automatically search through the acquired data for user-defined criteria including serial packet content. Each occurrence is highlighted by a search mark. Rapid navigation between marks is as simple as pressing the Previous (←) and Next (→) buttons on the oscilloscope front panel. The Search Mark table provides a tabular view of all events found during an automated search. The search mark data can be exported to a .csv file.

Serial Trigger Analysis App Modules EN US 3GW 26221 11
Search – I2C decode showing results from a Wave Inspector® search for Address value 50. Wave Inspector® controls provide unprecedented efficiency in viewing and navigating waveform data.


I²C Characteristics

Bus setup options
Sources (Clock and Data)

Analog channels 1-4

Digital channels D0-D15

Per-channel thresholds
Recommended probing
Single ended
Include R/W in address
Yes or No
Decode formats available
Hex, Binary
Display modes
Mode Description
Bus Bus only
Bus and waveforms Simultaneous display of bus and logic waveforms
Event table Decoded packet data in a tabular view
Serial Trigger Analysis App Modules EN US 3GW 26221 11
I2C bus setup, showing selection of bus display modes.
Bus trigger and search options
Characteristic Description
Trigger and/or Search On



Repeated Start

Missing Ack

Address (7 or 10 bit) with R/W Selection

Data (number of bytes 1-5)

Address and Data

Serial Trigger Analysis App Modules EN US 3GW 26221 11
Triggering on a specific address value on the I2C bus.
Bus decode
Maximum Clock/Data Rate

Up to 10 Mb/s (for automated decoding of bus)

Decode Display

Start (green bracket)

Address (yellow box)

Missing Ack (red ! symbol)

Data (cyan box)

Stop (red bracket)

Serial Trigger Analysis App Modules EN US 3GW 26221 11
Event table for I2C bus with all captured packets time stamped and in a tabular view.

SPI Characteristics

Bus setup options
Characteristic Description
Sources (Clock, Slave Select, MOSI, and MISO) Analog channels 1-4

Digital channels D0-D15

Thresholds Per-channel thresholds
Recommended probing Single ended

Decode configuration


Idle Time (2-wire SPI)

Slave Select (3-wire or 4-wire SPI)

Clock Rising or Falling Edge
Slave select Active High or Active Low
MOSI Active High or Active Low
MISO Active High or Active Low
Word size 4-32 bits
Bit order Most Significant (MS) First

Least Significant (LS) First

Decode formats available

Display modes

Hex, Binary
Bus Bus only
Bus and waveforms Simultaneous display of bus and logic waveforms
Event table Decoded packet data in a tabular view
Serial Trigger Analysis App Modules EN US 3GW 26221 11
SPI bus setup, showing configuration options for bus sources.
Bus trigger and search options
Characteristic Description
Trigger and/or Search On SS Active

Start of Frame




Data: maximum of 128 bits (up to four 32-bit words or 32 four-bit words)

Serial Trigger Analysis App Modules EN US 3GW 26221 11
Triggering on a specific MOSI data value on the SPI bus.
Bus decode
Characteristic Description
Maximum Clock/Data Rate Up to 50 Mb/s (for automated decoding of bus)
Decode display Start (green bracket)

Data (cyan box)

Stop (red bracket)

Serial Trigger Analysis App Modules EN US 3GW 26221 11
Event table for SPI bus with all captured packets time stamped and in a tabular view.

RS-232/UART/RS-422/RS-485 Characteristics

Bus setup options
RS-232/UART Sources (Transmit and Receive)

Analog channels 1-4

Digital channels D0-D15

RS-422/RS-485 Sources (Transmit and Receive)

Analog channels 1-4

Per-channel thresholds
Recommended probing
RS-232/UART: Single ended
RS-422/RS-485: Differential
Inverted (UART, RS-422/RS-485)
Decode configuration
Paramater Description
Bit rate

Pre-defined list of rates

50 b/s - 2.8 Mb/s


50 b/s - 10 Mb/s

Data bits 7, 8, or 9
Parity None, Odd, or Even
Packets On or Off
End of packet

00h (NUL)

0Ah (LF)

0Dh (CR)

20h (SP)


Decode formats available
Hex, Binary, ASCII
Display modes
Mode Description
Bus Bus only
Bus and waveforms Simultaneous display of bus and logic waveforms
Event table Decoded packet data in a tabular view
Serial Trigger Analysis App Modules EN US 3GW 26221 11
RS-232 bus setup, showing bit rate options for RS-232 bus.
Bus trigger and search options
Characteristic Description
Trigger and/or Search On Tx Start Bit

Rx Start Bit

Tx End of Packet

Rx End of Packet

Tx Data (number of bytes 1-10)

Rx Data (number of bytes 1-10)

Tx Parity Error

Rx Parity Error

Serial Trigger Analysis App Modules EN US 3GW 26221 11
Triggering on a specific Tx data value on the RS-232 bus.
Bus decode
Characteristic Description
Maximum Clock/Data Rate Up to 10 Mb/s (for automated decoding of bus)
Decode display

Data (cyan box)

Errors (red box)

- Parity

- Framing

Serial Trigger Analysis App Modules EN US 3GW 26221 11
Event table for RS-232 bus with all captured packets time stamped and in a tabular view.

CAN, CAN FD (ISO and non-ISO) Characteristics

Bus setup options
Serial Trigger Analysis App Modules EN US 3GW 26221 11
Can bus setup, showing signal type options for CAN bus.
Source for CAN_H, CAN_L, Rx, or Tx probing

Analog channels 1-4

Digital channels D0-D15

Source for differential probing
Analog channels 1-4
Per-channel thresholds
Recommended probing
TDP1500 differential probe

CAN_H, CAN_L, Rx, Tx: Single ended

Differential: Differential

Bit Rate
Parameter Description
Standard: pre-defined list of rates and Custom 10 Kb/s - 1 Mb/s
FD: Pre-defined and custom 1 Mb/s - 10 Mb/s (7 M/bs MDO3K)
Sample Point
Position at 15% to 95% within bit period or unit interval
Decode formats available
Hex, Binary
Display modes
Parameter Description
Bus Bus only
Bus and waveforms Simultaneous display of bus and logic waveforms
Event table Decoded packet data in a tabular view
Bus trigger and search options
Characteristic Description
Trigger and/or Search On FD BRS Bit, FD ESI Bit, Form Error and Any Error are available only when CAN FD is selected as BUS Start of Frame

Type of Frame (Data, Remote, Error, Overload)

Identifier (Standard or Extended)

Data (number of bytes 1-8, trigger or search when =, ≠, <, >, ≤, ≥)

Identifier and Data

End of Frame

Missing Ack

Bit Stuffing Error



Form Error

Any Error

Serial Trigger Analysis App Modules EN US 3GW 26221 11
Triggering on a specific data value on the CAN bus.
Bus decode
Decode display

Start (green bracket)

Address (yellow box)

DLC, CRC (purple box)

Missing Ack (red ! symbol)

Data (cyan box)

Stop (red bracket)

Bit stuffing errors (red box)
Serial Trigger Analysis App Modules EN US 3GW 26221 11
Event table for CAN bus with all captured packets time stamped and in a tabular view.

LIN Characteristics

Bus setup options

Analog channels 1-4

Digital channels D0-D15

Per-channel thresholds
Recommended probing
Single ended
Decode Configuration
Parameter Description
Polarity Normal or Inverted
Bit rate
Pre-defined list of rates 1.2 kb/s - 19.2 kb/s
Custom 800 b/s - 100 kb/s
LIN standard v1.x, v2.x, or Both
Include parity bits with ID Yes or No
Decode formats available
Mixed: ID and Parity are shown in Hex, Data and Checksum are shown in Binary
Hex: all fields
Binary: all fields
Display modes
Mode Description
Bus Bus only
Bus and waveforms Simultaneous display of bus and logic waveforms
Event Table Decoded packet data in a tabular view
Serial Trigger Analysis App Modules EN US 3GW 26221 11
LIN bus setup, showing source configuration options for LIN bus.
Bus trigger and search options
Characteristic Description
Trigger and/or Search On Sync


Data (number of bytes 1-8; trigger or search when =, ≠, <, >, ≤, ≥, inside range, outside range)

Identifier and Data

Wakeup Frame

Sleep Frame

Error (Sync, ID Parity, Checksum)

Serial Trigger Analysis App Modules EN US 3GW 26221 11
Triggering on a Sync Error on the LIN bus
Bus decode
Characteristic Description
Maximum bit rate Up to 1 Mb/s, by LIN definition up to 20 kb/s (for automated decoding of bus)
Decode display Start (green bracket)

Sync, Break (purple box)

Identifier, Parity (yellow box)

Data (cyan box)

Checksum, Wakeup (purple box)

End of frame (red bracket)

Errors (red box)

- Sync

- Parity

- Checksum

- Header Time

- Response Time

- Frame Time

- Response and Frame Time

Serial Trigger Analysis App Modules EN US 3GW 26221 11
Event table for LIN bus with all captured packets time stamped and in a tabular view.

FlexRay Characteristics

Bus setup options
Source for single-ended probing

Analog channels 1-4

Digital channels D0-D15

Source for differential probing
Analog channels 1-4
High and low thresholds per-channel
Recommended probing
Single ended or differential
Decode Configuration
Parameter Description
Bit rate 2.5 Mb/s, 5 Mb/s, 10 Mb/s, or Custom (1 Mb/s - 100 Mb/s)
Channel type A or B
Polarity BDiff or BP, BM, Tx or Rx
Decode formats available
Mixed: Identifier, Payload Length and Cycle Count are shown in Decimal, Data and CRCs are shown in Hex.
Hex: all fields
Binary: all fields
Display modes
Mode Description
Bus Bus only
Bus and waveforms Simultaneous display of bus and logic waveforms
Event Table Decoded packet data in a tabular view
Serial Trigger Analysis App Modules EN US 3GW 26221 11
FlexRay bus setup, showing input options for FlexRay bus.
Bus trigger and search options
Characteristic Description
Trigger and/or Search On Start of Frame

Indicator Bits (Normal, Null, Payload, Sync, Startup)

Identifier (trigger when =, ≠, <, >, ≤, ≥, inside range, outside range)

Cycle Count (trigger when =, ≠, <, >, ≤, ≥, inside range, outside range)

Header Fields (Indicator Bits, Identifier, Payload Length, Header CRC, and Cycle Count)

Data (number of bits 1-16; byte offset ‘don’t care’ – 253; trigger when =, ≠, <, >, ≤, ≥, inside range, outside range)

Identifier and Data

End of Frame (Static, Dynamic (DTS), All)

Error (Header CRC, Trailer CRC, Null Frame (static or dynamic), Sync Frame, Startup Frame)

Bus decode
Characteristic Description
Maximum bit rate Up to 10 Mb/s (for automated decoding of bus)
Decode display TSS (purple box)

Start (green bracket)

Frame ID (yellow box)

Payload Length (purple box)

Headers (purple box)

- Null

- Normal

- Sync

- Payload

- Startup

- Unknown

- Null Sync

- Payload Sync

- Null Startup

- Payload Startup


- Cycle Count (yellow box)

- Data (cyan box)

- CRC, DTS, CID (purple box)

- Stop (red bracket)


- Header CRC

- Trailer CRC

- Null Frame

- Sync Frame

- Startup Frame



Serial Trigger Analysis App Modules EN US 3GW 26221 11
PC-based, eye-diagram analysis software builds an eye-diagram from the entire acquisition and plots it against TP1 mask called out by the FlexRay standard, available with MDO4000C instruments.

I²S/LJ/RJ/TDM Characteristics

Bus setup options
Sources (Clock, Word, Data)

Analog channels 1-4

Digital channels D0-D15

Per-channel thresholds
Recommended probing
Single ended
Decode Configuration
Parameter Description
Word size 4-32 bits
Clock Rising or falling edge
Word Select polarity Normal or inverted
Data High 1 or 0
Bit order Most Significant (MS) First

Least Significant (LS) First

Decode formats available
Signed Decimal, Hex, Binary
Display modes
Mode Description
Bus Bus only
Bus and waveforms Simultaneous display of bus and logic waveforms
Event Table Decoded packet data in a tabular view
Serial Trigger Analysis App Modules EN US 3GW 26221 11
I2S bus setup, showing input configuration options for I2S bus.
Bus trigger and search options
Characteristic Description
Trigger and/or Search On Word Select

Frame Sync

Data (select either word, left word, or right word; trigger or search when =, ≠,<,>, ≤, ≥, inside range, outside range)

Serial Trigger Analysis App Modules EN US 3GW 26221 11
Triggering on a specific data value on the I2S bus.
Bus decode
Characteristic Description
Maximum Clock/Data Rate Up to 12.5 Mb/s (for automated decoding of I2S/LJ/RJ bus)

Up to 25 Mb/s (for automated decoding of TDM bus)

Decode display Start (green bracket)

Data (cyan box)

Stop (red bracket

Serial Trigger Analysis App Modules EN US 3GW 26221 11
Start (green bracket) Data (cyan box) Stop (red bracket).

MIL-STD-1553 Characteristics

Bus setup options

Analog channels 1-4

Reference waveforms 1-4

Math waveform

High and low threshold per source
Recommended probing
Single ended or differential (only one single-ended signal required)
Decode Configuration
Parameter Description
Bit rate 1 Mb/s per the standard
Response Time

2 μs – 100 μs


Normal or Inverted

Decode formats available
Mixed1: Hex (data), Decimal (addresses and count), Binary (bits)
Mixed2: ASCII (data), Decimal (addresses and count), Binary (bits)
Block Hex
Hex and Binary
Display modes
Mode Description
Bus Bus only
Bus and waveforms Simultaneous display of bus and logic waveforms
Event Table Decoded packet data in a tabular view
Serial Trigger Analysis App Modules EN US 3GW 26221 11
MIL-STD-1553 bus setup, showing threshold entry fields.
Bus trigger and search options
Characteristic Description
Trigger and/or Search On Sync

Word Type Trigger selection of Command Word will trigger on Command and ambiguous Command/Status words. Trigger selection of Status Word will trigger on Status and ambiguous Command/Status words. (Command, Status, Data)

Command Word1 (set RT Address (=, ≠, <, >, ≤, ≥, inside range, outside range), T/R, Sub-address/Mode, Data Word Count/Mode Code, and Parity individually)

Status Word1 (set RT Address (=, ≠, <, >, ≤, ≥, inside range, outside range), Message Error, Instrumentation, Service Request Bit, Broadcast Command Received, Busy, Subsystem Flag, Dynamic Bus Control Acceptance (DBCA), Terminal Flag, and Parity individually)

Data Word (user-specified 16-bit data value)

Error (Sync, Parity, Manchester, Non-contiguous data)

Idle Time (minimum time selectable from 4 µs to 100 µs; maximum time selectable from 12 µs to 100 µs; trigger on < minimum, > maximum, inside range, outside range)

Serial Trigger Analysis App Modules EN US 3GW 26221 11
Triggering on a specific data value on the MIL-STD-1553 bus.
Bus decode
Characteristic Description
Maximum Clock/Data Rate Up to 1 Mb/s (for automated decoding of bus)
Decode Display Start (green bracket)

Sync Ambiguous Command and Status words will be labeled with C/S and a generic bit decode will be displayed. (purple box) with Word Type identified

Address (yellow box)

R/T (purple box)

Word Count (purple box)

Status Bits (purple box)

Data (cyan box)

Parity (purple box)

Stop (red bracket)

Errors (red box)

Serial Trigger Analysis App Modules EN US 3GW 26221 11
Event table for MIL-STD-1553 bus with all captured packets time stamped and in a tabular view.

ARINC 429 Characteristics

Bus setup options

Analog channels 1-4

Reference waveforms 1-4

Math waveform

High and low threshold per source
Decode configuration
Parameter Description
Bit rate 100 kb/s (High speed), 12.5-14.5 kb/s (Low speed)
Polarity Normal or Inverted
Decode formats available
Hex, Binary, Mixed (table listing; Label octal, Data hex)
Display modes
Mode Description
Bus Bus only
Bus and waveforms Simultaneous display of bus and logic waveforms
Event Table Decoded packet data in a tabular view
Serial Trigger Analysis App Modules EN US 3GW 26221 11
ARINC 429 bus setup, showing configuration entry of bit rate and data format.
Bus trigger and search options
Characteristic Description
Trigger and/or Search On Word Start, Word End, Label, Data Field (Data, SDI+Data, SDI+Data+SSM), Label+Data, Gap Error, Parity Error, Word Error, Any Error Data qualifiers include: (=, ≠, <, >, ≤, ≥, inside range, outside range)
Serial Trigger Analysis App Modules EN US 3GW 26221 11
Triggering on a specific data value on the ARINC 429 bus.
Characteristic Description
Maximum Clock/Data Rate Up to 100 kb/s (1 Mbps custom)
Decode Display

Start (green bracket)

Label (yellow box)

SDI (yellow box)

Data (cyan box)

SSM (purple box)

Parity (cyan box)

Stop (red bracket)

Errors (red box)

Word end (red bracket)

Serial Trigger Analysis App Modules EN US 3GW 26221 11
Event table for ARINC 429 bus with all captured packets time stamped and in a tabular view.

USB Characteristics

Bus setup options

USB 2.0 Compatibility

Low-speed and Full-speed: All MDO4000C or MDO3000 Series models

High-speed: Models with 1 GHz analog channel bandwidth


Single-ended: Analog channels 1-4

Digital channels D0-D15

Differential: Analog channels 1-4, Math channel, Reference channels 1-4

Recommended probing
Low-speed and Full-speed: Single-ended or differential
High-speed: Differential
Thresholds presents
Low-speed and Full-speed: Single-ended (D+: 1.4 V; D-: -1.4 V), differential (High: 1.4 V; Low: -1.4 V)
High-speed: Differential (High: 100 mV; Low: -100 mV)
High-speed: Differential (High: 100 mV; Low: -100 mV)
Decode formats available
Mixed1: Frame and Address are shown in Decimal, Data shown in Hex
Mixed2: Frame and Address are shown in Decimal, Data shown in ASCII
Hex: all fields
Binary: all fields
Display modes
Mode Description
Bus Bus only
Bus and waveforms Simultaneous display of bus and logic waveforms
Event Table Decoded packet data in a tabular view
Serial Trigger Analysis App Modules EN US 3GW 26221 11
Triggering on a specific PID on a USB FS bus.
Bus decode
Characteristic Description
USB 2.0 Data Rates Low-speed: 1.5 Mb/s

Full-speed: 12 Mb/s

High-speed: 480 Mb/s

Decode Display Start (green bracket)

PID (yellow box)

Data (cyan box)

CRC (purple box)

Stop (red bracket)

Serial Trigger Analysis App Modules EN US 3GW 26221 11
High-speed USB decoded display, automatically displaying bus content.
Bus trigger and search options
Characteristic Description
Trigger and/or Search On Low-speed: Trigger/Search on Sync, Reset, Suspend, Resume, End of Packet, Token (Address) Packet, Data Packet, Handshake Packet, Special Packet, Error.

Token Packet – Any token type, SOF, OUT, IN, SETUP; Address can be further specified to trigger on ≤, <, =, >, ≥, ≠ a particular value, or inside or outside of a range. Frame number can be specified for SOF token using Binary, Hex, Unsigned Decimal, and Don't Care digits.

Data Packet – Any data type, DATA0, DATA1; Data can be further specified to trigger on ≤, <, =, >, ≥, ≠ a particular data value, or inside or outside of a range.

Handshake Packet – Any handshake type, ACK, NAK, STALL.

Special Packet – Any special type, Reserved.

Error – PID Check, CRC5, CRC16, Bit Stuffing.

Full-speed: Trigger/Search on Sync, Reset, Suspend, Resume, End of Packet, Token (Address) Packet, Data Packet,

Handshake Packet, Special Packet, Error.

Token Packet – Any token type, SOF, OUT, IN, SETUP; Address can be further specified to trigger on ≤, <, =, >, ≥, ≠ a particular value, or inside or outside of a range. Frame number can be specified for SOF token using Binary, Hex, Unsigned Decimal, and Don't Care digits.

Data Packet – Any data type, DATA0, DATA1; Data can be further specified to trigger on ≤, <, =, >, ≥, ≠ a particular data value, or inside or outside of a range.

Handshake Packet – Any handshake type, ACK, NAK, STALL.

Special Packet – Any special type, PRE, Reserved.

Error – PID Check, CRC5, CRC16, Bit Stuffing.

High-speed: Trigger/Search on Sync, Reset, Suspend, Resume, End of Packet, Token (Address) Packet, Data Packet, Handshake Packet, Special Packet, Error.

Token Packet – Any token type, SOF, OUT, IN, SETUP; Address can be further specified to trigger on ≤, <, =, >, ≥, ≠ a particular value, or inside or outside of a range. Frame number can be specified for SOF token using Binary, Hex, Unsigned Decimal, and Don't Care digits.

Data Packet – Any data type, DATA0, DATA1, DATA2, MDATA; Data can be further specified to trigger on ≤, <, =, >, ≥, ≠ a particular data value, or inside or outside of a range.

Handshake Packet – Any handshake type, ACK, NAK, STALL, NYET.

Special Packet – Any special type, ERR, SPLIT, PING, Reserved. SPLIT packet components that can be specified include:

Hub Address

Start/Complete – Don't Care, Start (SSPLIT), Complete


Port Address

Start and End bits – Don't Care, Control/Bulk/Interrupt

(Full-speed Device, Low-speed Device),

Isochronous (Data is Middle, Data is End, Data is Start,

Data is All)

Endpoint Type – Don't Care, Control, Isochronous, Bulk,


Error – PID Check, CRC5, CRC16

Ethernet Characteristics

Bus setup options

Ethernet compatibility 10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX On MDO4000C Series only


Single-ended: Analog channels 1-4

Differential: Analog channels 1-4, Math channel, Reference channels 1-4

Recommended probing
10BASE-T: Single-ended or differential
100BASE-TX: Differential
Thresholds presents
10BASE-T: Single-ended (D+: 1.25 V; D-: 1.25 V); Differential (High: 1.25 V; Low: -1.25 V)
100BASE-TX: Single-ended (D+: 500 mV; D-: 500 mV); Differential (High: 500 mV; Low: -500 mV)
Decode formats available
Mixed1: Data is shown in Hex, all other fields are shown in either Decimal or Hex
Mixed2: Data is shown in ASCII, all other fields are shown in either Decimal or Hex
Hex: all fields
Binary: all fields
Display modes
Mode Description
Bus Bus only
Bus and waveforms Simultaneous display of bus and logic waveforms
Event Table Decoded packet data in a tabular view
Serial Trigger Analysis App Modules EN US 3GW 26221 11
DPO4ENET 100BASE-TX decoded Event Table showing all packet information.
Bus decode
Characteristic Description
Ethernet Data Rates 10BASE-T: 10 Mb/s

100BASE-TX: 100 Mb/s

Decode Display Start (green bracket)

MAC Address (yellow box)

Data (cyan box)

IPv4 Header (white box)

TCP Header (brown box)

CRC (purple box)

Stop (red bracket)

Error (red box)

Internet Protocol Support IPv4
Transport Layer Protocol Support TCP
Serial Trigger Analysis App Modules EN US 3GW 26221 11
Color-coded DPO4ENET display of 100BASE-TX.
Display modes
Mode Description
Bus Bus only
Bus and waveforms Simultaneous display of bus and logic waveforms
Event table Decoded packet data in a tabular view
Serial Trigger Analysis App Modules EN US 3GW 26221 11
DPO4ENET 100BASE-TX decoded Event Table showing all packet information.
Bus trigger options
Option Description
Trigger and/or Search On 10BASE-T:

Start Frame Delimiter

MAC Addresses: Trigger on Source and Destination 48-bit address values

MAC Q-tag Control Information: Trigger on Q-tag 32-bit value

MAC Length/Type: Trigger on ≤, <, =, >, ≥, ≠ a particular 16-bit value, or inside or outside of a range

MAC Client Data: Trigger on ≤, <, =, >, ≥, ≠ a particular 16-bit value, or inside or outside of a range. Selectable number of bytes to trigger on from 1-16. Byte offset options of Don't Care, 0-1499

IP Header: Trigger on IP header 8-bit value, Source Address, Destination Address

TCP Header: Trigger on Destination Port, Source Port, Sequence Number, and Ack Number

TCP/IPv4 Client Data: Trigger on ≤, <, =, >, ≥, ≠ a particular data value, or inside or outside of a range. Selectable number of bytes to trigger on from 1-16. Byte offset options of Don't Care, 0-1499

End of Packet

FCS (CRC) Error


Start Frame Delimiter

MAC Addresses: Trigger on Source and Destination 48-bit address values

MAC Q-tag Control Information: Trigger on Q-tag 32-bit value

MAC Length/Type: Trigger on ≤, <, =, >, ≥, ≠ a particular 16-bit value, or inside or outside of a range

MAC Client Data: Trigger on ≤, <, =, >, ≥, ≠ a particular data value, or inside or outside of a range. Selectable number of bytes to trigger on from 1-16. Byte offset options of Don't Care, 0-1499

IP Header: Trigger on IP header 8-bit value, Source Address, Destination Address

TCP Header: Trigger on Destination Port, Source Port, Sequence Number, and Ack Number

TCP/IPv4 Client Data: Trigger on ≤, <, =, >, ≥, ≠ a particular data value, or inside or outside of a range. Selectable number of bytes to trigger on from 1-16. Byte offset options of Don't Care, 0-1499

End of Packet

FCS (CRC) Error


Serial Trigger Analysis App Modules EN US 3GW 26221 11
DPO4ENET triggering on a specific 10BASE-T MAC source address.

Ordering information

Current/discontinued products

Current products
Serial Bus MDO4000C Series Module MDO3000 Series Module MSO/DPO2000B Series Module
I2C, SPI SPI support is limited to 2-wire SPI only on models that have only 2 analog channels and no digital channels. DPO4EMBD MDO3EMBD DPO2EMBD
CAN/CAN FD, LIN DPO4AUTO MDO3AUTO DPO2AUTOCAN FD is not available on MSO/DPO2000 Series.
FlexRay -- MDO3FLEX --
CAN/CAN FD, LIN, FlexRay DPO4AUTOMAX DPO4AUTOMAX includes a PC-based software package for FlexRay eye diagram analysis. -- --
I2S/LJ/RJ/TDM Not available on models that have only 2 analog channels and no digital channels. DPO4AUDIO MDO3AUDIO --
USB USB LS/FS triggering and decode available on all models in all indicated product families. HS decode available only on 1 GHz models. HS triggering only available on 1 GHz models in MSO/DPO4000B and MDO4000/B/C Series. DPO4USB MDO3USB --
Ethernet 100BASE-TX requires ≥ 350 MHz model. DPO4ENET -- --
Discontinued products
Serial Bus MSO/DPO4000B and MDO4000/B Series Module MSO/DPO4000 Series Module MSO/DPO3000 Series Module MSO/DPO2000 Series Module
FlexRay -- -- DPO3FLEX --
Ethernet 6DPO4ENET -- -- --

Recommended probes

Please refer to www.tek.com/probes for further information on the recommended models of probes and any necessary probe adapters.