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NRZ-M4 Optical Manufacturing TDEC Analysis Software

DSA8300 NRZ-M4 optical analysis software

DSA8300 NRZ-M4 optical analysis software

The Tektronix NRZ-M4 application provides NRZ signaling analysis, including TDEC (Transmitter and Dispersion Eye Closure) measurement. The application brings together NRZ optical measurements in a simple and easy to use application. This application is designed to minimize the waveform analysis time which suits the manufacturing environment.

This application is intended to be installed on a PC and works by connecting to the sampling scope. Application allows you to acquire signal directly from the connected DSA8300 sampling oscilloscope and analyze the acquired waveform data.

Key features
  • Simultaneously analyze up to 4 optical channels

  • Characterization of 100Gbps Optical transceivers (SR4, LR4) devices with Mask margin measurements. Perform optimal mask fitting for better margin.

  • Support for Transmitter dispersion eye closure (TDEC) and Vertical eye closure penalty (VECP) measurements.

  • Support for 80C10C, 80C17, 80C18, 80C20 and 80C21 optical modules.

  • Signal characterization measurements such as Amplitude and Timing measurements

  • Support for Phase reference characterization clock for more accurate results.

  • Support for measurements at various population limits.

  • Show results as numeric and graphical display.

  • Display 2D eye diagrams with embedded mask

  • Save the analysis results to a file.

  • Run multiple instances of the application and connect each of them to different DSA8300s' and perform parallel analysis of multiple channels.

Measurement capability

Category Measurements
Amplitude measurements
  • AOP
  • ER
  • Cross%
  • +Overshoot
  • -Overshoot
  • NRZHigh
  • NRZLow
  • NRZAmplitude
  • OMA
  • NRZHigh_Histogram
  • NRZLow_Histogram
Timing measurements
  • JitterRMS
  • JitterPk2Pk
  • RiseTime
  • Falltime
TDEC,VECP Measurment
  • Transmission dispersion eye closure (TDEC) 1
  • Vertical eye closure penalty (VECP)
Mask Measurement Mask Margin @ target hit ratio

1IEEE 802.3bm, Section 95.8.5 

Ordering information

DSA8300 400G-M4
NRZ-M4 Optical Manufacturing Analysis Software, 4 channel TDECQ
DSA83UP 400G-M4
NRZ-M4 Upgrade for customers who already have a DSA8300
Computer requirements

The NRZ-M4 application is designed to run on a PC running Windows operating system. A high performance PC is recommended to minimize the computation time of waveform analysis.

  • Operating system: Microsoft Windows 10 (64 bit) operating system.

  • Screen resolution: 1920 x 1080 with scaling factor set to 100%.

Software requirements

The NRZ-M4 application requires the following software to be installed on the PC.

  • TekVISA: TekVISA version is recommended. Installation is available during NRZ-M4 installation.

  • Matlab runtime: Matlab 2017b version 9.3 is required.

  • Scope Noise Characterization: Install the Scope Noise Characterization software on the DSA8300. This software is bundled with the NRZ-M4 application package.