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Arbitrary Waveform Generators: AWG4000 Series Datasheet

AWG4000 Series Datasheet, This series has been replaced by AWG5200.

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AWG4000 Series Datasheet, This series has been replaced by AWG5200.

Replaced by: AWG5200

The unmatched performance, versatile functionality, outstanding usability, and upgradability make the AWG4000 an affordable waveform generation platform which helps stretch the specifications of your designs to the limit.

Key performance specifications
  • Basic (DDS) mode
    • Two analog channels
    • 600 MHz sine waveforms
    • 2.5 GS/s, 14-bit, 16 kpts arbitrary waveforms
    • Amplitude up to 5 Vp-p into 50 Ω load
  • Advanced (Arbitrary) mode
    • Two analog channels
    • 16/32-bit digital channels (optional)
    • 1/16/32/64 Mpts per channel arbitrary waveform memory (optional)
    • Up to 750 MHz bandwidth
    • SFDR < -60 dBc
Features & benefits
  • Variable sampling rate range from 100 S/s to 2.5 GS/s, with 14-bit vertical resolution, ensures signal integrity in all aspects
  • Designed for 100% user-conducted upgrades and configurations, all options activated through SW key
    • Optional and upgradable arbitrary waveform memory up to 64 Mpts for each analog channel and 32 Mbit for each digital channel for long waveforms
    • Optional 16-32 channel digital outputs. Purchasing SW option includes the shipment of digital probe accessory.
  • Two operation modes – Basic (DDS AFG mode) and advanced (arbitrary AWG mode), which provide excellent balance between usability and flexibility
  • Dual analog channels and up to 32-bit digital channels, ideal for mixed signal circuit designs
  • Sync-in and Sync-out interfaces enables the synchronization of multiple units in a daisy chain, to extend the number of output channels
  • Digital outputs provide up to 1.25 Gb/s data rate creates high speed digital pattern in parallel
  • One marker output for each analog channel for triggering and synchronization
  • Three software-configurable output paths fit all test cases
    • Direct DAC mode: 750 MHz bandwidth with differential output
    • AC coupled mode: 750 MHz bandwidth with single ended output for RF applications
    • Amplified mode: 5 Vp-p amplitude 400 MHz bandwidth with differential output
  • Full functional sequence with up to 16384 user defined waveforms provides the possibility of generating complex signals with the best memory usage, in the form of loops, jumps, and conditional branches
  • Channel 1 and 2 (together with the corresponding digital output channels) can work independently on different sampling clocks and sequences
  • Direct communication with RFXpress® for easy waveform generation in RF applications
  • Windows based platform with 10.1-in touch screen, front panel buttons, keyboard, and mouse
  • Compact form factor, convenient for bench top and portability
  • Removable hard disk guarantees the security of confidential data
  • USB 3.0 and LAN interfaces for remote control
  • Baseband and Intermediate Frequency modulation for wireless communications and defense electronics
  • Component and circuit characterization and validation
  • Embedded circuit design and test
  • Mixed-signal circuit design and test
  • Clock and system synchronization
  • Replication of real world signals
  • Research
  • General purpose signal generation

Dual operation mode

The AWG4000 is the industry’s first convergent waveform generator with full function AFG (Basic) and AWG (Advanced) modes.

Basic mode has a dedicated user interface similar to traditional AFG for generating function and arbitrary waveforms with minimum button clicks and shallow menu hierarchy. The large touch screen displays all related parameters at one glance, and enables you directly click where you want to change. The DDS based technology enables users to switch from one frequency to another by rotating knob or button clicks, without concerning the sampling rate and waveform length




In Advanced mode, users can define complex waveforms with up to 16,384 entries of analog waveforms and digital patterns in a sequence, in terms of loops, jumps, and conditional branches.


In the Multi-sequence mode, two sequences can be defined to control Channel 1 and Channel 2 (and the corresponding digital channels) separately as two units of generator.

Best in class performance in its price range

The AWG4000 gives users access to the best-in-class DAC technology at an affordable price. Up-to 2.5 GS/s sampling rate and 14-bit vertical resolution help users generate ultra wideband communication signals with 750 MHz modulation bandwidth and the < -60 dBc SFDR across each channel. The analog channels can be configured to output differential, single ended, or AC coupled, eliminating the needs of baluns or hybrids in the test path.

Mixed-signal generation

The AWG4000 has optional 16/32-bit digital outputs, synchronized with the corresponding analog channels in two 16-bit groups. Each group can be configured as 8-bit full speed (bit rate at half the sampling rate) or 16-bit low speed (bit rate at 1/4 of the sampling rate). The mixed signal generation is a great solution for digital designs and validation, system synchronization and DAC/ADC tests.

Upgradability protects ROI

The standard configuration of AWG4000 is 1 Mpts for each analog channel and no digital channels. This helps to reduce the ownership threshold of accessing to the product. However, when the test requirement increases, a customer can purchase the option keys to upgrade the memory to 16 Mpts, 32 Mpts or 64 Mpts, or to upgrade the digital channel to 16-bit or 32-bit. It eliminates the need of concerning the risk of lowering ROI in the whole life time.

System extension with multi-unit synchronization

Two or more AWG4000s can be synchronized by connecting the Sync-in and Sync-out interfaces of the master and the slaves. In this way, all units will share the same sampling clock, reference clock, and triggering events. This helps customers expand the number of output channels, which is extremely useful in the applications where multiple channels are needed, like MIMO.

Intuitive user interface

The AWG4000 is built on the Windows platform. The 10.1-in touch screen displays parameters, settings, and on-screen menus/buttons. Together with the similar-to-traditional front panel buttons and rotary knobs, the user friendly user interface provides intuitive ways to operate the instrument easily in the Basic mode. However, if a user works in the Advanced mode to create complex sequenced waveforms, an external keyboard and mouse can be connected to the instrument through the USB interface. This helps the user operate in a normal Windows application.

Easy waveform creation

In the Basic mode, a plug-in called ArbBuilder is embedded in the application. Users can create customized waveforms from standard waveforms, with the equation editor, free hand, point draw tools, or simply import the tfw files generated by ArbExpress®, and then transfer to either channels for replication.

In Advanced mode, RFXpress® can communicate with the application directly and download the waveforms generated by the software running on the instrument or an external PC. Users can also import waveforms captured by Tektronix oscilloscopes, logic analyzers, or created by 3rd party software like Matlab®, FPGA simulation tools.


All specifications are guaranteed unless noted otherwise. All specifications apply to all models unless noted otherwise.


Specifications (not noted)
Product characteristics described in terms of specified performance with tolerance limits which are warranted/guaranteed to the customer. Specifications are checked in the manufacturing process and in the Performance Verification section of the product manual with a direct measurement of the parameter.
Typical (noted)
Product characteristics described in terms of typical performance, but not guaranteed performance. The values given are never warranted, but most units will perform to the level indicated. Typical characteristics are not tested in the manufacturing process or the Performance Verification section of the product manual.
Nominal (not noted)
Product characteristics described in terms of being guaranteed by design. Nominal characteristics are non-warranted, so they are not checked in the manufacturing process or the Performance Verification section of the product manual.
Model overview
Analog channels
Digital channels 0/16/32-bit optional
Operation modes
DDS mode
Standard waveforms
Sine, Square, Pulse, Ramp, more (Noise, DC, Sin(x)/x, Gaussian, Lorentz, Exponential Rise, Exponential Decay, Haversine)
Run modes
Continuous, modulation, sweep, burst
Arbitrary waveforms

Sampling clock: 2.5 GS/s, fixed

Vertical resolution: 14-bit

Waveform length: 16,384 points

AWG mode
Run modes
Continuous, sequencer, triggered, gated
Sampling clock
100 S/s to 2.5 GS/s, variable
Vertical resolution
Waveform length

64 to 64 M points (1 M = 220) in multiple of 64 points for length < 320 points, in multiple of 16 points for length ≥ 320 points

Standard: 1 M points

Optional: 16 M, 32 M, 64 M points

Sequence length
1 to 16,384 entries
Sequence control
Repeat Waveform, Wait for Multiple Triggers (up to 7 triggers), Wait for Multiple Events (up to 7 events), Jump if Event (up to 7 events, synchronous or asynchronous), Jump to (synchronous or asynchronous)
Repeat count
1 to 2,097,151 or infinite
Jump timing
Synchronous or asynchronous
Digital waveform

Standard: 0-bit

Optional: 16 or 32-bit

Built-in standard waveforms
DC, Sine, Cosine, Triangle, Rectangle, Sawtooth, Increase-ramp, Decrease-ramp, Pulse, Sinc, Exponential, Sweep
Arbitrary waveforms
Formula, file, user defined
Noise, filter can be applied to the waveforms above
General characteristics - Basic mode
SMAs for DC AMP on front panel
Output types
Single-ended or differential 1

1When using single-ended, terminate the other end with a 50 Ω SMA terminator.

Output impedance
50 Ω (Single-ended) or 100 Ω (differential)
Frequency range
1 μHz to 600 MHz
1 μHz to 330 MHz
1 μHz to 330 MHz
Ramp, Exponential Rise, Exponential Decay
1 μHz to 30 MHz
Sin(x)/X, Gausian, Lorentz, Haversine
1 μHz to 60 MHz
1 μHz to 400 MHz
Frequency resolution
sine, square, pulse, arbitrary
1 μHz or 15 digits
Ramp, Sin(x)/X, Gausian, Lorentz, Exponential Rise, Exponential Decay, Haversine
1 μHz or 14 digits
Frequency accuracy
±10-6 of setting
±10-6 of setting ±1 μHz
Sine waves
Flatness (1 Vp-p, relative to 1 kHz)
DC to 600 MHz : ±0.5 dB
Harmonic Distortion (1 Vp-p)

1 μHz to ≤ 10 MHz: < -60 dBc

> 10 MHz to ≤ 50 MHz: < -55 dBc

> 50 MHz to ≤ 200 MHz: < -40 dBc

> 200 MHz to ≤ 600 MHz: < -28 dBc

Total Harmonic Distortion (1 Vp-p, typical)
10 Hz to 20 kHz: < 0.1%
Spurious (1 Vp-p)

1 μHz to ≤ 10 MHz: < -65 dBc

>10 MHz to ≤ 330 MHz: < -55 dBc

> 330 MHz to ≤ 500 MHz: < -50 dBc

> 500 MHz to ≤ 600 MHz: < -40 dBc

Phase Noise (1 Vp-p, 10 kHz offset, typical)

1 MHZ: < -115 dBc/Hz

10 MHZ: < -110 dBc/Hz

100 MHZ: < -105 dBc/Hz

600 MHZ: < -90 dBc/Hz

Square waves
Rise/fall time (typical)
1 ns
Overshoot (1 Vp-p, typical)
< 2%
Jitter (rms, typical)
50 ps
Pulse waves
Pulse width
1 ns to (Period - 1 ns)
10 ps or 15 digits
Pulse duty
0.1% to 99.9% (limitations of pulse width apply)
Leading/trailing edge transition time
800 ps to 1000 s
1 ps or 15 digits
Overshoot (1 Vp-p, typical)
< 2%
Jitter (rms, typical)
50 ps
Ramp waves
Linearity (< 10 kHz, 1 Vp-p, 100% Symmetry, typical)
≤ 0.1%
0% to 100%
Other waves
Noise bandwidth (-3 dB, typical)
400 MHz
Noise add
When activated, output signal amplitude is reduced to 50%
0.0% to 50% of amplitude (Vp-p) setting
Number of samples
2 to 16,384 
Analog bandwidth (-3 dB, typical)
400 MHz
Rise/fall time (typical)
≤ 800 ps
Jitter (rms, typical)
400 ps
Range (50 Ω, single-ended)
-2.5 V to 2.5 V
±(1% of |setting| + 5 mV)
Range (50 Ω, single-ended)

1 μHz ~ 350 MHz: 5 mVp-pto 5 Vp-p

350 MHz ~ 550 MHz: 5 mVp-pto 3 Vp-p

550 MHz ~ 600 MHz: 5 mVp-pto 2 Vp-p

Range (100 Ω, differential)

1 μHz ~ 350 MHz: 10 mVp-pto 10 Vp-p

350 MHz ~ 550 MHz: 10 mVp-pto 6 Vp-p

550 MHz ~ 600 MHz: 10 mVp-pto 4 Vp-p

Accuracy (1 kHz sine wave, 0 V offset, > 5 mVp-p amplitude, 50 Ω load)
±(1% of setting + 5 mV)
1 mVp-p or 4 digits
Vp-p, Vrms, dBm (sine wave only), Volt (high/low settings)
Output impedance

Single-ended: 50 Ω

Differential: 100 Ω

No isolation, all SMA and BNC connectors are connected to earth ground directly
Range (50 Ω load, single-ended)
-2.5 V to +2.5 V
Range (High Z load, single-ended)
-5 V to +5 V
Accuracy (50 Ω load, single-ended)
±(1% of |setting| ±5 mV)
1 mV or 4 digits
Range (50 Ω load, single-ended)
±(2.5 Vpk - Amplitude ÷ 2)
Range (High Z load, single-ended)
±(5 Vpk - Amplitude ÷ 2)
Accuracy (50 Ω load, single-ended)
±(1% of |setting| + 5 mV)
1 mV or 4 digits
Range (50 Ω, single-ended)

1 μHz ~ 350 MHz: -5 V to +5 V

350 MHz ~ 550 MHz: -4 V to +4 V

550 MHz ~ 600 MHz: -3.5 V to +3.5 V

Range (100 Ω, differential)

1 μHz ~ 350 MHz: -10 V to +10 V

350 MHz ~ 550 MHz: -8 V to +8 V

550 MHz ~ 600 MHz: -7 V to +7 V

Range (High Z, single-ended)

1 μHz ~ 350 MHz: -10 V to +10 V

350 MHz ~ 550 MHz: -8 V to +8 V

550 MHz ~ 600 MHz: -7 V to +7 V

0⁰ to +360⁰
Accuracy (typical)
±(0.1% of setting ±0.01°)
Amplitude Modulation (AM)
Carrier waveforms
Standard waveforms (except Pulse, DC and Noise), ARB
Modulation source
Internal or external
Internal modulating waveforms
Sine, Square, Ramp, Noise, ARB
Modulating frequency

Internal: 500 μHz to 50 MHz

External: 10 MHz maximum

0.00% to 120.00%
Frequency Modulation (FM)
Carrier waveforms
Standard waveforms (except Pulse, DC and Noise), ARB
Modulation source
Internal or external
Internal modulating waveforms
Sine, Square, Ramp, Noise, ARB
Modulating frequency

Internal: 500 μHz to 50 MHz

External: 10 MHz maximum

Peak deviation
DC to 300 MHz
Phase Modulation (PM)
Carrier waveforms
Standard waveforms (except Pulse, DC and Noise), ARB
Modulation source
Internal or external
Internal modulating waveforms
Sine, Square, Ramp, Noise, ARB
Modulating frequency

Internal: 500 μHz to 50 MHz

External: 10 MHz maximum

Phase deviation range
0⁰ to 180⁰
Frequency Shift Keying (FSK)
Carrier waveforms
Standard waveforms (except Pulse, DC and Noise), ARB
Modulation source
Internal or external
Internal modulating waveforms
Key rate

Internal: 500 μHz to 50 MHz

External: 10 MHz maximum

Hop frequency
1 μHz to 600 MHz
Number of keys
Phase Shift Keying (PSK)
Carrier waveforms
Standard waveforms (except Pulse, DC and Noise), ARB
Modulation source
Internal or external
Internal modulating waveforms
Key rate

Internal: 500 μHz to 50 MHz

External: 10 MHz maximum

Hop phase
-180° to +180°
Number of keys
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
Carrier waveforms
Modulation source
Internal or external
Internal modulating waveforms
Sine, Square, Ramp, Noise, ARB
Modulating frequency

Internal: 500 μHz to 50 MHz

External: 10 MHz maximum

Deviation range
0% to 50% of pulse period
Linear, Logarithmic, staircase, and user defined
Standard waveforms (except Pulse, DC and Noise), ARB
Sweep time
50 μs to 2000 s
Hold/return times
0 to (2000 s - 50 μs)
Sweep/hold/return time resolution
20 ns or 12 digits
Total sweep time accuracy (typical)
≤ 0.4%
Start/stop frequency range

Sine: 1 μHz to 600 MHz

Square: 1 μHz to 300 MHz

Trigger source
Standard waveforms (except DC and Noise), ARB
Trigger or gated
Burst count
1 to 1,000,000 cycles or Infinite
Internal trigger delay
0 to 100 s
Internal trigger delay accuracy (typical)
±(0.1% setting + 5 ps)
Internal trigger rate
0 to 500 s
Internal trigger interval range
1 μs to 500 s
Internal trigger resolution
2 ns or 12 digits
General characteristics - Advanced mode
Analog outputs
Connector types
SMAs for AMP, DAC, and AC modes on front panel
Output types

AMP and DAC modes: single-ended or differential1

AC mode: single-ended

Output impedance

50 Ω, single-ended

100 Ω, differential

Skew between positive and negative outputs (typical)
≤ 20 ps

1When using single-ended, terminate the other end with a 50 Ω SMA terminator.

Skew control
(Between analog channels)
0 to 240,000 ps
10 ps
Accuracy (typical)
±(10% of setting + 20 ps)
Initial skew
< 200 ps from 1.25 GS/s to 2.5 GS/s

< 1 ns below 1.25 GS/s

Skew control
(Between analog channel and marker, analog channel to digital channels)
0 to 101,790 ps
78 ps
Accuracy (typical)
±(10% of setting + 140 ps)
Initial skew
< 1.4 ns from 1.25 GS/s to 2.5 GS/s

< 2 ns from 100 MS/s to 1.25 GS/s

< 4.5 ns below 100 MS/s

Calculated bandwidth (0.35 / rise or fall time, typical)1
400 MHz
750 MHz
750 MHz

1Rise/fall time is 10% to 90% of transition time.

Range (single-ended, 50 Ω load)
0 to 5 Vp-p (doubled in case of differential or High Z load)
0 to 0.8 Vp-p (doubled in case of differential or High Z load)
0 to 2 Vp-p (doubled in case of High Z load)
AMP, DAC (1 kHz sine, offset 0 V )
±(1% of setting + 5 mVp-p)
AC (100 MHz sine, offset 0 V, typical )
±(2% of setting + 5 mVp-p) - 0.1% of |setting| x temperature deviation 1
AMP, DAC, and AC
0.1 mV or 5 digits

1Temperature deviation = room temperature - 23 °C, when room temperature is out of the range of 20 °C - 30 °C.

Range (single-ended, 50 Ω load)
-2.5 V to +2.5 V (doubled in case of differential or High Z load)
-0.35 V to +0.35 V (doubled in case of differential or High Z load)
±(1% of |setting| + 5 mV)
10 mV or 3 digits
Range (single-ended, 50 Ω load)
-2.5 V to +2.5 V (doubled in case of differential or High Z load)
-0.35 V to +0.35 V (doubled in case of differential or High Z load)
±(1% of setting + 5 mV)
±(6% of Vocm range + 5 mV)
10 mV or 3 digits
Voltage window
Range (single-ended, 50 Ω load)

1 μHz to 300 MHz: -5 V to 5 V

> 300 MHz to 550 MHz: -4 V to 4 V

> 550 MHz to 600 MHz: -3.5 V to 3.5 V

(doubled in case of differential or High Z load)


-0.4 V to 0.4 V

(doubled in case of differential or High Z load)


-1 V to 1 V

(doubled in case of High Z load)

Harmonic distortion
(Sine wave 32 points at 2.5 GS/s, 78.125 MHz, typical)
AMP (1 Vp-p single-ended)
< -56 dBc (single-ended or differential)
DAC (0.5 Vp-p single-ended)
< -60 dBc (single-ended or differential)
AC (1 Vp-p single-ended)
< -56 dBc
(Sine wave 32 points at 2.5 GS/s, 78.125 MHz, typical)
AMP (1 Vp-p single-ended)
< -62 dBc (single-ended or differential)
DAC (0.5 Vp-p single-ended)
< -62 dBc (single-ended or differential)
AC (1 Vp-p single-ended)
< -55 dBc
(Sine wave 32 points at 2.5 GS/s, 78.125 MHz, typical)
AMP (1 Vp-p single-ended)
< -56 dBc (single-ended or differential)
DAC (0.5 Vp-p single-ended)
< -60 dBc (single-ended or differential)
AC (1 Vp-p single-ended)
< -55 dBc
Rise/fall time
(10% to 90%, typical)
800 ps
450 ps
450 ps
Overshoot (typical)
< 2%
< 1%
< 2%
Level flatness (typical)


AMP (1 Vp-p Sine wave, relative to 1 kHz)

1 μHz to ≤ 10 MHz: < ±0.5 dBc

> 10 MHz to ≤ 50 MHz: < ±1 dBc

> 50 MHz to ≤ 150 MHz: < ±1.5 dBc

> 150 MHz to ≤ 300 MHz: < ±2 dBc

> 300 MHz to ≤ 350 MHz: < ±3 dBc

> 350 MHz to ≤ 400 MHz: < ±3.5 dBc

DAC (1 Vp-p Sine wave, relative to 1 kHz)

1 μHz to ≤ 10 MHz: < ±0.5 dBc

> 10 MHz to ≤ 100 MHz: < ±1 dBc

> 100 MHz to ≤ 200 MHz: < ±1.5 dBc

> 200 MHz to ≤ 300 MHz: < ±2 dBc

> 300 MHz to ≤ 350 MHz: < ±2.5 dBc

> 350 MHz to ≤ 450 MHz: < ±3 dBc

> 450 MHz to ≤ 550 MHz: < ±3.5 dBc

> 550 MHz to ≤ 650 MHz: < ±4 dBc

> 650 MHz to ≤ 750 MHz: < ±4.5 dBc

AC (1 Vp-p Sine wave, relative to 10 MHz)

10 MHz to ≤ 50 MHz: < ±0.5dBc

> 50 MHz to ≤ 150 MHz: < ±1 dBc

> 150 MHz to ≤ 200 MHz: < ±1.5 dBc

> 200 MHz to ≤ 300 MHz: < ±2 dBc

> 300 MHz to ≤ 450 MHz: < ±3 dBc

> 450 MHz to ≤ 550 MHz: < ±3.5 dBc

> 550 MHz to ≤ 650 MHz: < ±4.5 dBc

> 650 MHz to ≤ 750 MHz: < ±5 dBc

Phase noise
(Sine wave 32 points at 2.5 GS/s, 78.125 MHz, 10 kHz offset, typical)
-110 dBc/Hz




Random jitter on clock pattern
(rms, typical)
< 5 ps
Total jitter on random pattern
(peak-to-peak at 625 Mb/s, PRBS 15 data pattern, typical)
< 150 ps
Digital outputs (Optional)
Connector type
FCI EYE® connector on front panel
Number of connectors
Number of outputs
32-bits (16-bits x 2 groups)
Output impedance
100 Ω differential
Output type
Rise/fall time (10% to 90%, typical)
600 ps
Initial skew between digital outputs (typical)
< 500 ps between group A and B
Jitter (peak-to-peak, 2.5 GS/s, 1.25 Gb/s, PN15 pattern, BER = 1e-12)
150 ps
Maximum update rate

1.25 Gbps (full speed mode, maximum 16-bit)

625 Mbps (low speed mode, maximum 32-bit)

Memory depth (optional)

Half of analog waveform length (full speed mode)

One fourth of analog waveform length (low speed mode)

Auxiliary input and output characteristics
Marker out
Connector type
SMA on front panel
Number of connectors
two, one for each analog output
Output impedance
50 Ω
Output level (into 50 Ω)
1 V to 2.5 V
10 mV
Accuracy (typical)
±(2% setting + 10 mV)
Variable delay control
0 to 60606 ps
78 ps
Accuracy (typical)
±(10% of setting + 140 ps)
Rise/fall time (10% to 90%, 2.5 V, typical)
800 ps
Total jitter on random pattern (peak-to-peak, 2.5 GS/s, 1.25 Gb/s, PN15 pattern, output level 2.5 V, BER = 1e-12)
155 ps
Trigger/Gate input
SMA on the Front Panel
Input impedance
1.1 kΩ
Positive or negative selectable
Input damage level
< -15 V or > +15 V
Threshold control level
-10 V to 10 V
50 mv
Threshold control accuracy (typical)
±(10% of |setting| + 0.2 V)
Input voltage swing
0.5 Vp-p minimum
Minimum pulse width
12 ns
Initial trigger/gate delay to Analog Output

Basic mode: 332.8 ns ±400 ps

Advanced mode: 20 ns + 2288 sampling clock cycles ±1 sampling clock cycle

Trigger In to output jitter (typical)
±2 sampling clock
Sync in/out
Connector type
Infiniband 4X connector on rear panel
Master to Slave delay (typical)
48.6 ns
Reference clock input
Connector type
SMA on rear panel
Input impedance
50 Ω, AC coupled
input voltage range
-5 dBm to 4 dBm sine or square wave
Damage level
+8 dBm or ±15 VDC Max
Variable Input Frequency range
10 MHz to 80 MHz
Reference clock output
Connector type
SMA on rear panel
Output impedance
50 Ω, AC coupled
10 MHz
± 1.0 x 10-6
± 1.0 x 10-6/year
Amplitude (typical)

1.6 Vp-pinto 50 Ω

3.2 Vp-pinto High Z

Jitter (rms, typical)
11.5 ps
External Sampling Clock input
Connector type
SMA on rear panel
Input impedance
50 Ω, AC coupled
Number of inputs
Two, one for each channel
Frequency range
1.25 GHz to 2.5 GHz
Input voltage range
-5 dBm to 4 dBm
Damage level
+8 dBm or ±15 VDC Max
External Modulation input
Connector type
BNC on rear panel
Input impedance
10 KΩ
Number of inputs
Two, one for each channel
Bandwidth (typical)
10 MHz with 50 MS/s sampling rate
Input voltage range

-1 V to +1 V (except FSK, PSK)

FSK, PSK: 3.3 V

Vertical resolution
CPU Module and peripherals
The 4th generation Intel® Core™ i7/i5/i3 Processor
4 GB x 2, DDR3-DRAM
Hard disk drive
Removable hard disk drive, 500 Gbyte, 2.5-inch SATA
USB host ports

USB 2.0 x 2 on rear panel

USB 3.0 x 2 on front panel

USB device port
USB 2.0 x 1 on rear panel
Type B
10/100/1000 BASE-T on rear panel
Real time clock
CR2032 lithium battery with lifetime approximately 3 years
10.4 in. LCD, 210.4 mm (8.3 in.) x 157.8 mm (6.2 in.)
1024 x 768 
Luminance (typical)
400 cd/m2
Touch screen
Built-in, resistive
Power supply
Source voltage and frequency

100 to 240 Vrms@ 50 - 60 Hz

115 Vrms@ 400 Hz

Power consumption
150 W maximum
Surge current
30 A peak (25 °C) for ≤ 5 line cycles, after product has been turned off for at least 30 s
Physical characteristics
Weight (typical)
Net weight
6.5 kg (14.2 lbs)
Net weight with packaging
11.5 kg (25.2 lbs)
233 mm (9.17 in.)
439 mm (17.28 in.)
199 mm (7.82 in.)
Dimensions with packaging (typical)
498 mm (19.61 in.)
457 mm (17.99 in.)
574 mm (22.60 in.)
EMC, environmental, and safety characteristics
+5 °C to +50 °C (+41 °F to 122 °F)
-20 °C to +60 °C (-4 °F to 140 °F)

8% to 90% relative humidity with a maximum wet bulb temperature of 29 °C at or below +50 °C, non-condensing


5% to 98% relative humidity with a maximum wet bulb temperature of 40 °C at or below +60 °C, non-condensing

3,000 m (9,843 feet)
12,000 m (39,370 feet)
UL61010-1, CAN/CSA C22.2 No.61010-1, EN61010-1, IEC61010-1 
CISPR 11, Class A, EN61000-3-2:2006, EN 61000-3-3:1995 
EN 61326-1:2006, IEC 61000-4-2:2001, IEC 61000-4-3:2002, IEC 61000-4-4:2004, IEC 61000-4-5:2001, IEC 61000-4-6:2003, IEC 61000-4-11:2004 
Regional certifications
European union
Australia/New Zealand
CISPR 11:2003 

Ordering information

Arbitrary Waveform Generator, 2 analog channels, 2.5 GS/s sampling rate, 14-bit resolution, 1 MSa arbitrary memory depth
16 Mpts arbitrary memory
32 Mpts arbitrary memory
64 Mpts arbitrary memory
16-bit digital outputs
32-bit digital outputs
Instrument options
Power plug options
Opt. A0
North America power plug (115 V, 60 Hz)
Opt. A1
Universal Euro power plug (220 V, 50 Hz)
Opt. A2
United Kingdom power plug (240 V, 50 Hz)
Opt. A3
Australia power plug (240 V, 50 Hz)
Opt. A5
Switzerland power plug (220 V, 50 Hz)
Opt. A6
Japan power plug (100 V, 50/60 Hz)
Opt. A10
China power plug (50 Hz)
Opt. A11
India power plug (50 Hz)
Opt. A12
Brazil power plug (60 Hz)
Opt. A99
No power cord
Language options
Opt. L0
English overlay (default)
Opt. L1
French overlay
Opt. L3
German overlay
Opt. L5
Japanese overlay
Opt. L7
Simplified Chinese overlay
Opt. L8
Traditional Chinese overlay
Opt. L9
Korean overlay
Opt. L10
Russian overlay
Opt. L99
No overlay
Service options
Opt. C3
Calibration Service 3 Years
Opt. C5
Calibration Service 5 Years
Opt. D1
Calibration Data Report
Opt. D3
Calibration Data Report 3 Years (with Opt. C3)
Opt. D5
Calibration Data Report 5 Years (with Opt. C5)
Opt. G3
Complete Care 3 Years (includes loaner, scheduled calibration, and more)
Opt. G5
Complete Care 5 Years (includes loaner, scheduled calibration, and more)
Opt. R5
Repair Service 5 Years (including warranty)
Opt. R5DW

Repair Service Coverage 5 Years (includes product warranty period). 5-year period starts at time of instrument purchase

Standard accessories
Power cord
Country specific
Quick start user manual
Software CD
CD containing all relevant software (ArbExpress, TekVISA, .Net, and system recovery)
Documentation CD
CD containing all relevant documentation
Calibration certificate
Certificate of traceable calibration
Accessory pouch
Captive bag to store accessories
Front cover
USB type A to type B cable – three feet
Touch-screen stylus
Optional accessories
RFXpress software
Synchronization cable
Digital output cable (16-bit)
Connector mounted on DUT connects to LVDS cable (manufacture part number: U65-B12-40E0C, Amphenol)
Hard Disk Drive
Recommended accessories
SMA cable
USB type A to type B cable – three feet
USB type A to type B cable – six feet
GPIB-to-USB adapter
Hard transit case
Rackmount kit
Mini keyboard (USB interface)
Full-size keyboard with 4-port USB hub
USB Mouse
Three-year warranty on parts and labor
Instrument upgrades
Instrument upgrades


Item Before upgrade After upgrade Order product
Arbitrary waveform memory 1 Mpts 16 Mpts AWG4M01T16
1 Mpts 32 Mpts AWG4M01T32
1 Mpts 64 Mpts AWG4M01T64
16 Mpts 32 Mpts AWG4M16T32
16 Mpts 64 Mpts AWG4M16T64
32 Mpts 64 Mpts AWG4M32T64
Digital output channel None 16 bit AWG4D00T16
None 32 bit AWG4D00T32
16 bit 32 bit AWG4D16T32