邢唷> !D" that an external timer be used in conjunction with the SourceMeter. The timestamp should only be used to approximate the amount of test time required. The method in which the timestamp is implemented limits its use in time-critical applications. If accurate experiment timing is crucial, it is recommended that an externUsing the Model 2400 Internal Timestamp Feature The Model 2400 Series of SourceMeter instruments allows the user to retrieve a timestamp with each reading sent over the GPIB.  鄥燆鵒h珣+'迟0 , H T `lt|0Using the Model 2400 Internal Timestamp FeaturesinDoug Rathburnl ougNormaltDoug Rathburnl 5ugMicrosoft Word 8.00@xA@:=滂@ 玷p%犎階<@04-54B6-11D3-8502-006097B5 胀諟.摋+,D胀諟.摋+,t0 hp  Keithley Instruments, Inc.   0Using the Model 2400 Internal Timestamp Feature Title 6> _PID_GUIDAN{3BDA0004-54B6-11D3-8502-006097B5510198}鄥燆鵒h珣+'迟0 , H T `lt|0Using the Model 2400 Internal Timestamp FeaturesinDoug Rathburnl ougNormaltDoug Rathburnl 5ugMicrosoft Word 8.00@xA@:=滂@ 玷p%犎階<@04-54B6-11D3-8502-006097B50BDRB"D""R&&''' CJOJQJ6丆JOJQJ j\餋JOJQJ CJOJQJ01ln@BRTVln !!!!@"勑oblem if timing information is critical. The result is that the SourceMeter loses 24ms for every second of test time! To get a number closer to the actual test time, multiply the timestamp result by 9.765625e-4. The timestamp should only be used to approximate the amount of test time required. The method in which the timestamp is implemented limits its use in time-critical applications. If accurate experiment timing is crucial, it is recommended that an external timer be used in conjunction with the SourceMeter. The timestamp is based on a 8 kHz oscillator. This oscillator is used as the system clock and to generate system  ticks every millisecond. Therefore, the timestamp should provide 1ms resolution for test timing. The problem is that the oscillator is not exactly 8 kHz, but it is rather 8192 Hz. The calculations are below: The system clock is divided by 8 to determine when system ticks occur. 8192 Hz/ 8 = 1024 This implies that a system tick is generated 1024 times every second. ( This results in a system tick every 9.765625e-4 seconds! Since the instrument does not want to perform the math to generate timestamp during every reading, the microprocessor only counts system ticks. If the timestamp is to be reported over the front panel or bus, the microprocessor reports the number of system ticks as the number of milliseconds for the measurement. The difference between the number of system ticks and the amount of time actually elapsed can pose a problem if timing information is critical. The result is that the SourceMeter loses 24ms for every second of test time! To get a number closer to the actual test time, multiply the timestamp result by 9.765625e-4. D. Rathburn 8-17-990BDRB"D""R&&'''**苎 j茵CJH*OJQJ5丆J CJOJQJ6丆JOJQJ j\餋JOJQJ CJOJQJ@"B"""R&T&V&&''''''''''''勑al timer be used in conjunction with the SourceMeter. The timestamp is based on a 8 kHz oscillator. This oscillator is used as the system clock and to generate system  ticks every millisecond. Therefore, the timestamp should provide 1ms resolution for test timing. The problem is that the oscillator is not exactly 8 kHz, but it is rather 8192 Hz. The calculations are below: The system clock is divided by 8 to determine when system ticks occur. 8192 Hz/ 8 = 1024 This implies that a system tick is generated 1024 times every second. ( This results in a system tick every 9.765625e-4 seconds! Since the instrument does not want to perform the math to generate timestamp during every reading, the microprocessor only counts system ticks. If the timestamp is to be reported over the front panel or bus, the microprocessor reports the number of system ticks as the number of milliseconds for the measurement. The difference between the number of system ticks and the amount of time actually elapsed can pose a pr Seriesing(@"B"""R&T&V&&''''''''''''勑/Using the Model 2400 Internal Timestamp Feature Doug Rathburn Doug Rathburn [$@$NormalmH 8`8 Heading 1$@& CJOJQJ<A@<Default Paragraph Font2B`2 Body Text CJOJQJ "# !hi{|z{|}~*@"'Unknown Doug Rathburn!f Doug Rathburn,C:\My Documents\App Notes\2400 Timestamp.doc Doug Rathburn7C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\AutoRecovery save of 2400 Timestamp.asd@??hh?? $5丆J $5丆JF6CJGCJOJQJmH  !"GH!"[dKQkl hnpz{|&-1Z8;%+,@yz1@1*1(@1*0^@0`@1*1@11t111r1110j1111R1^111 1: 1B 0D 0 0!1!1!0!0!1!1!1!0"0@"1B"0D"0"1"1#1#1#1p#1$1,%12%0P&0R&1l&0&1&1'1'1'1<'0'0'0'1'0^ @GTimes New Roman5Symbol3& Arial9Garamond"h藡8F邒8Fp !24/Using the Model 2400 Internal Timestamp Feature Doug Rathburn Doug RathburnB 牜懾骅"B欹G Dbjbj庂庂 ,斐斐]    $wkCD C 2     貵 玷 "Root Entry F` F呬杈 貵 玷G1Table''WordDocument,SummaryInformation( )  3$%&:(*+,-.8679A5=>#BCF<E  )Unknown Doug Rathburn.s Doug Rathburn,C:\My Documents\App Notes\2400 Timestamp.doc Doug Rathburn7C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\AutoRecovery save of 2400 Timestamp.asd@05丆J $5丆J CJ/0./hqX^xy-u{}  3:>gEH()289MA@@^@@`@AAtAAArAAA@jAAAARA^AAAA:AB@D@@AA@@AAA@@@AB@D@AAAAApAA,A2@P@RAl@AAAAA<@^ @GTimes New Roman5Symbol3& Arial9Garamond"h藡8F輯8Fb ! 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If accurate experiment timing is crucial, it is recommendedcovery save of 2400 Timestamp.asd@05丆J $5丆J CJ/0./hqX^xy-u{}  3:>gEH()289MA@@^@@`@AAtAAArAAA@jAAAARA^AAAA:AB@D@@AA@@AAA@@@AB@D@AAAAApAA,A2@P@RAl@AAAAA<@^ @GTimes New Roman5Symbol3& Arial9Garamond"h藡8F輯8Fb !24/Using the Model 2400 Internal Timestamp Feature Doug Rathburn Doug Rathburn [$@$NormalmH 8`8 Heading 1$@& CJOJQJ<A@<Default Paragraph Font2B`2 Body Text CJOJQJ "# !hi{|z{|}~欹G 4bjbj庂庂 *斐斐] }RTTTTTT$m a xxJ2JJJ RRJJRR &'骀杈("RRoot Entry F` F呬杈&'骀杈?1Table+ WordDocument/*SummaryInformation( )  $%&:03675<=>#@;DocumentSummaryInformation8 CompObjj0Table   !"#$%&'()*W,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmn89MA@@^@@`@AAtAAArAAA@jAAAARA^AAA A: AB @D @ @!A!A!@!@!A!A!A!@"@@"AB"@D"@"A"A#A#A#Ap#A$A,%A2%@P&@R&Al&@&A&A'A'A'A<'@'@'@'@'@^ @GTimes New Roman5Symbol3& Arial9Garamond"h藡8F迡8F{ !24/Using the Model 2400 Internal Timestamp Feature Doug Rathburn Doug Rathburn*@"'Unknown Doug Rathburn!f Doug Rathburn,C:\My Documents\App Notes\2400 Timestamp.doc Doug Rathburn7C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\AutoRecovery save of 2400 Timestamp.asd@??hh?? $5丆J $5丆JF6CJGCJOJQJmH  !"GH!"[dKQkl hnpz{|&-1Z8;%+,@yz1@1*1(@1*0^@0`@1*1@11t111r11124/Using the Model 2400 Internal Timestamp Feature Doug Rathburn Doug Rathburn  3:>gEH()2Doug Rathburnl 4ugMicrosoft Word 8.00@2~@:=滂@lK彐杈{ [$@$NormalmH 8`8 Heading 1$@& CJOJQJ<A@<Default Paragraph Font2B`2 Body Text CJOJQJ 01-.uv  )'@"'Unknown Doug Rathburn.s Doug Rathburn,C:\My Documents\App Notes\2400 Timestamp.doc Doug Rathburn7C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\AutoRecovery save of 2400 Timestamp.asd@5丆J $5丆JF6CJGCJOJQJmH /0./hqX^xy-u{} [$@$NormalmH 8`8 Heading 1$@& CJOJQJ<A@<Default Paragraph Font2B`2 Body Text CJOJQJ 01-.uv  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89瞦 胀諟.摋+,D胀諟.摋+,t0 hp  Keithley Instruments, Inc.   0Using the Model 2400 Internal Timestamp Feature Title 6> _PID_GUIDAN{3BDA0004-54B6-11D3-8502-006097B55198} 鄥燆鵒h珣+'迟0 , H T `lt|0Using the Model 2400 Internal Timestamp FeaturesinDoug Rathburnl ougNormalt0j1111R1^111 1: 1B 0D 0 0!1!1!0!0!1!1!1!0"0@"1B"0D"0"1"1#1#1#1p#1$1,%12%0P&0R&1l&0&1&1'1'1'1<'0'0'0'1'0^ @GTimes New Roman5Symbol3& Arial9Garamond"h藡8F邒8Fp !24/Using the Model 2400 Internal Timestamp Feature Doug Rathburn Doug Rathburn  !"#$%&'()*WXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmn 6> _PID_GUIDAN{3BDA0004-54B6-11D3-8502-006097B55198} 鄥燆鵒h珣+'迟0 , H T `lt|0Using the Model 2400 Internal Timestamp FeaturesinDoug Rathburnl ougNormaltDoug Rathburnl 5ugMicrosoft Word 8.00@xA@:=滂@ 玷p [$@$NormalmH 8`8 Heading 1$@& CJOJQJ<A@<Default Paragraph Font2B`2 Body Text CJOJQJ 01-.uv  )  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89瞦 胀諟.摋+,D胀諟.摋+,t0 hp  Keithley Instruments, Inc.   0Using the Model 2400 Internal Timestamp Feature Title